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除了绝对论,说教,道德训诫之外,他们一无所有。Everything else in them is nothing but absolutism, preaching, moral didacticism.

美国有一种说教,不只谴责奴隶制度和酗酒放纵。There was an American didacticism that went beyond condemning slavery or intemperance.

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这些富有启蒙意义的思想,使他们成为晚清法律改革的启蒙者。These ideas with didacticism make them to be the torchbearers of legal reform in the late Qing Dynasty.

新英格兰习惯于在文学里说教,可是一味说教,小说就要完蛋。New England was accustomed to didacticism in its literature, and unmitigated didacticism blights the novel.

审美的救赎体现的正是审美现代性与启蒙现代性之间的张力。The expiation of aesthetic indicates the tensile force between aesthetic modernity and didacticism modernity.

在当时的启蒙现实主义精神的影响下,悲剧意识继短暂觉醒之后在现代中国落地而未生根。In modern society, under the influence of didacticism and realism, Chinese people haven't accepted western concepts of tragedy and tragedy consciousness yet.

尽管在某些场合,拍照时相对不加区别、混杂和谦逊,但并没有减轻整体操作的说教态度。Those occasions when the taking of photographs is relatively undiscriminating, promiscuous, or self-effacing do not lessen the didacticism of the whole enterprise.

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启蒙主义用人的理性代替神性,特别是笛卡尔建立了理性主义大厦,推崇精神性,排斥身体性。Didacticism proposes rationality instead of divinity. Descartes established the theoretical system of rationalism, encouraged the spirituality and excluded the body.

但90年代儿童文学及其翻译地位已逐渐提升,故编译者尊重原文,较少改写文字及内容。However, their shift to the central status in 90's has rendered the adapted text less didacticism -oriented and more phrase-based with increased difficulty in semantic comprehension.

“决裂”是中国第一部在美国商业推出的故事片,电影把说教成功的和娱乐相结合的效果看上去很有意思。"Breaking With Old Ideas, " reported to be the first Chinese feature released here commercially, is fascinating in its often-successful efforts to combine didacticism with entertainment.