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人们倾城而出为获胜的队欢呼喝彩。The whole city turned out to acclaim the winning team.

公租房能让“夹心层”欢呼吗?。Would PublicRental Make the "SandwichedCLass" Acclaim?

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他写的中国字很漂亮,令人称赞。His beautiful Chinese handwriting makes people acclaim.

本届车展受到参观者交口称赞。This year's auto exhibition received unanimous acclaim.

那时16岁的丹妮斯首次亮相大银幕便广受赞誉。She was 16 and won acclaim for her first big screen role.

人们欢声雷动地迎接那位宇航员。The astronaut was welcomed with joyous,resounding acclaim.

最近的复演在各大戏院巡回演出,并获得一致好评。The latest revival toured theatres and received critical acclaim.

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出刊八期,每一期都受到各系师生的广泛好评。Chu Kan 8, each student of each department are subject to wide acclaim.

我们应该赞扬和拥护冯治安部的英勇抗战。We should acclaim and support the heroic resistance of Feng Chih-an's troops.

KMC以高品质、迅速供货、有竞争力的价格赢得世界的好评。KMC to high quality, prompt delivery, competitive prices to win world acclaim.

对牙周炎治疗科学规范,深受患者好评。Treatment on periodontal scientific and standard, popular acclaim by patients.

群众的这种行为也为日后纳扎尔巴耶夫关闭此测试区以赢得人民的欢呼做了铺垫。This made it easier for Nazarbayev to later close the site, to popular acclaim.

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哈姆雷特由罗马尼亚的一流演员伊恩·克拉米宙来饰演,以引起轰动。Hamlet was played by Romania's leading actor, Ion Caramitrou, to rapturous acclaim.

二○○四年一月,两位中国作者出版了一本赢得国际赞誉的书。In January 2004, two Chinese authors published a book which won international acclaim.

“告别空调暖气”让锋尚在今年名利双收。" valedictory air conditioning heating" Let front still gained much acclaim this year.

我实属幸运,因为我写的许多作品都得到了文学评论家的赞赏。I have been lucky because many of my books have received acclaim from literary critics.

电视是大众化的,而无关于导演的名气、政治上的正确和评论家的喝彩。TV is about the mass audience, not auteurs or political correctness or even critical acclaim.

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虽然是第一次学包粽子,绣香包。四位美国留学生的认真劲,还是获得了阿姨们的高度评价。Though it is the first time, their earnestness and great efforts have won everyone's acclaim.

莱昂纳多在环境方面的广博知识和对于环保的耐久力赢得了大家的一致赞扬。DiCaprio has won acclaim for his encyclopedic knowledge of the environment and sustainability.

他的机智和恐怖的故事常常为他赢得好评,他是一个成功的短篇小说作家。His witty and often macabre tales won him acclaim and he was a successful short -story writer.