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他们打算把资金和劳力一起征用。They proposed to conscript both capital and labour.

政府可以征兵并把人们送到战场么?Can the government conscript people and send them into battle?

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第十八条义务兵服现役的期限为二年。Article 18 The term of active service for a conscript is two years.

这是今冬本市征兵体检中的一大举措。This is today winter the one big move in check-up of this city conscript.

一个年轻的新兵起立致谢,激动得声音哽咽。One young conscript rose with a message of thanks, his voice choked with emotion.

“2010年,你不会看到一个应征突击队”的高级军事官员说。In 2010, you won't see one conscript commando, " the senior military official said."

允许新兵付钱让人代替他的兵役,这种做法可以继续执行。The practice of allowing a conscript to pay someone to take his place should be continued.

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征兵体检有什么具体要求身上有疤能行么?What does conscript check-up have is there scar to you can go on specific requirement body?

当然,如果能在战争中避免儿童和士兵们的死亡是最好不过。That said, of course the death of children and conscript soldiers should be avoided if it can be avoided.

大规模军事演习对这个征召军队来说是稀罕物,而无论如何车臣都是沉重负担。Large-scale exercises are a rarity for the conscript army , which in any case is heavily committed in Chechnya.

为一件事,专业作战力量是远远更有效和更高效,比任何应徵者的力量都不能。For one thing, the professional fighting force is far more effective and efficient than any conscript force could ever be.

后来,美国参议员龙格接受了凯尔索的思想,并发起了旨在通过联邦立法促进ESOP实施的运动。Later, Long, one of American conscript fathers accepted the idea of ESOP and launched a campaign of applying it by legislation.

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建安年间,募兵逐渐取代义务兵成为军队的主要成分。In Jian an period of Han Dynasty, conscript soldiers replaced gradually compulsory soldiers and became the main body of the army.

我不知道条件够不够格呢,管他呢,征兵要十月份呢,我会做好一切准备的。I don't know condition enough not enough space, takes care of him, need to conscript October, I will work well the whole preparation.

军方享有廉价的土地、信贷和士兵做劳工,而且手中有枪,私营公司怎么和他们公平竞争?How can private companies compete fairly when their military rivals enjoy access to cheap land, credit and conscript labour—and have guns?

好的,所以说民选政府是可以征召公民,上战场为了他们的生活而战的,使得社会能够继续享有这些权利吗?All right, so an elected government can conscript citizens to go out and defend the way of life, the community that makes the enjoyment of rights possible?

阿根廷征召来的边界警卫实在无趣,你想象得到这样一群倒霉的家伙,被派往彻骨寒冷的山顶,在沙漠公路上当差,还要他们怎么样呢?The Argentine conscript border guards were as charmless a bunch of fellows as you'd expect to find dispatched to a deserted road on top of a freezing cold mountain.

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他们同样对在操作环境下处理方面的要求较低,操作员的主要优势是依赖经验不足的维修人员。They are also less demanding in terms of handling in an operational environment, a major advantage for an operator reliant on less experienced conscript maintenance personnel.

每当一名18岁的以色列新兵在检查站拦下一个男人或一个妇女的时候,每当他按下定点暗杀的按键的时候,以色列国家的道德核心都会变得更加渺小。Every time an 18-year-old Israeli conscript stops a man or woman at a checkpoint or presses the button for a "targeted assassination", the moral core of a country becomes a little bit smaller.