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最后本文还考察跨国项目组织的问题。Lastly, this paper will refer to the problems in multination national organizations.

北京摩比斯是一家在中国的外资企业,因此它不可避免存在跨国组织的问题。Beijing Mobis is a foreign company in China, so it can't get away from the problems in multination national organizations.

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朝鲜在5月份进行第二次核试验后表示,不会重返旨在结束其核计划的六方会谈。Pyongyang said after its second nuclear test in May that it will not return to multination talks aimed at ending its atomic ambitions.

世界传媒巨头发起的全球圈地运动,掀起了一个个兼并神话。The campaigns of enclosing the sphere of influence, launched by media multination corporations, created more and more combination myths.

本课程部份内容将采英文教材设计,并搭配个案研讨,使学生了解多国籍企业管理之内涵与跨文化差异。The part of course design will adopt english papers and case study to enhanc the understand of multination culture and business management.

作为子女我现在北京工作,只能周末回家照顾父母,听到母亲的讲述我很难过。I am currently working at a multination company in Beijing, thus, can only travel back to Tianjin on the weekends to relieve the workload of my mother.

一项复杂的包括杀微生物剂方法在内的多方法多国试验预期将在2013年结束,不过另一种快捷的新试验可能会尽快设计出来。A complex multination trial of several methods, including microbicide, is due to end in 2013, but a rapid new one may be designed as quickly as possible.

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同时参考跨国企业的供应商管理办法,提出了不同类型的供应商管理办法。At the same time , referring to management principle of multination enterprise and the other benchmark fields, the management solution to supplier is brought forward.

从分析国际企业进入中国物流市场的动机及竞争态势出发,对跨国竞争条件下我国物流企业的战略应对,进行了理论上的阐述。Based on analyzing the motive and the com-petition situation of multinational corporations, the paper describes in theory the strategy of China logistics corporations in multination competition.

第三章至第六章是本文的重点部分,从理论和实证角度对跨国公司在华研发对我国本土企业技术创新的影响效应进行研究。On this basis, from the perspective of technological innovation of developing host country, the research result of the impact of the R&D of multination corporations on host country is described.

研究表明,跨国公司具有实行策略性竞争行为的强烈动机,而该行为的发生取决于跨国公司的市场分割和市场壁垒等条件。The study indicated multination company have violence motivation to carry competition strategy behavior out, the action is decided by market division and market vallation of multination company.