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你是我的吉塞尔,回到我身边吧。You are my Giselle come on to my side.

听着,兄弟,我们需要吉赛儿她是很棒的追踪者。Look, man, we need Giselle. She's a great tracker.

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我怀疑的是吉赛儿做的决定是对的吗?What I'm wondering is, is Giselle doing the right thing?

盖文与吉赛儿挤在他们小小的厨房里准备晚餐派对。Gavin and Giselle are in their very small kitchen, preparing for a dinner party.

委员会将在周二或周五就火炬传递话题作“一般性地“讨论,国际奥委会发言人说道。The board will take up the topic of the torch relay "in general" on Thursday or Friday, IOC spokeswoman Giselle Davies said.

周五,国际奥委会新闻宣传部部长吉赛拉-戴维斯说,国际奥组委开会决定将金荣洙驱逐出北京奥运会。The IOC decided at a meeting on Friday to exclude Kim from the Beijing Olympic Games, said IOC press director Giselle Davies.

坎特伦开始有些担心,但是最后她还是决定让小松鼠出来,而吉赛尔甚至鼓励这个小东西带在她窝里。Cantlon was concerned at first, but ultimately decided to let the squirrel out. Mademoiselle Giselle even encouraged the little rodent to join her litter.

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发言人吉塞拉-戴维斯说,国际奥委会要求国际体操联合会出面澄清情况,并表示不会称之为正式调查。The committee asked the International Gymnastics Federation to clarify the situation, said spokeswoman Giselle Davis. She said she wouldn't call it a formal investigation.

吉赛尔令人沮丧的故事,这充分证明了在中世纪后期和文艺复兴早期的莱茵兰,历史记载的舞痴导致死亡的数量及其巨大。Behind the story of "Giselle" lie the still dismaying, well-attested historical accounts of dance mania that caused deaths in the Rhineland in the late medieval and early Renaissance eras.

以后的几十年,主人翁形象主要是通过不断地舞蹈这个情景打造的,这其中就潜藏了那些编舞们的主要思想。Adolph Adam's Giselle might be thought of as a touchstone of classical ballet, and its image of a heroine doomed to keep dancing forever lurked in the minds of choreographers for decades afterward.