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教授正在为这段难懂的文字添加尾注。The professor is adding endnotes to this difficult paragraph.

您只能在第一个框架集中插入脚注或尾注。You can only insert footnotes or endnotes into the first frameset.

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批注、尾注和脚注只能添至文档的主体部分。Comments, endnotes and footnotes can only be added to the main story.

如果编号不连续,则脚注或尾注必须从1开始。Footnotes or endnotes must start at 1 if numbering is not continuous.

三尾页提供额外的事实和背景细节。Three pages of endnotes provide additional factual and background details.

可用脚注对文档内容进行注释说明,而用尾注说明引用的文献。You might use footnotes for detailed comments and endnotes for citation of sources.

代表分配给一个范围或尾注中选择一个文件的属性。Represents the properties assigned to a range or selection of endnotes in a document.

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脚注位于页面的结尾处,而尾注位于节或文档的结尾处。Footnote at the end of the page, while endnotes section or at the end of the document.

超链接对于在线读者来说很管用,不过还是希望您提供尾注,这样在印刷出版时,文章也能站得住脚。Hyperlinks will work for online readers, but please supply endnotes so the document stands on its own when printed.

所有发表文章请用末注取代每页的注脚,同样地,请不要设置任何的页首或页尾。Please use endnotes instead of footnotes to make it easier to collate all papers, and for the same reason, do not put anything in the headers or footers.

对过去学术成就的事实探索以及历来具权威性的学术论点,应全数囊括于注解之中,注解的类别包括注脚、附注与书目。Full credit is given to discoverers of truth, or anyone else whose earlier work enhances a paper, through sequential annotations. These include footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies.