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吸浆虫眼部分头部的特写Close-up of part of midge head

米吉还不能十分确定原因何在。Midge couldn't quite put her finger on the reason.

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请问吃什么药可以治疗飞蚊症啊?What medicine to eat to you can treat flying midge disease excuse me?

据记录,肌肉运动最快的动物应属有体力的蠓虫了。The fastest muscle movement ever recorded belongs to the mighty midge.

该化合物可用于制备菊花瘿蚊性引诱剂。The compound is used for preparing a chrysanthemum gall midge sex attractant.

小麦吸浆虫的发生和温、湿度条件关系密切。The occurrence of wheat midge has close relationship with temperature and humidity.

本品能快速杀灭犬、猫体表各种寄生虫及虫卵,如虱子、跳蚤、吸血蜱、疥螨等。It can kill all kinds of epizoic parasites and their eggs, such as louse , flea, midge.

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稻瘿蚊是我国南方主要水稻害虫之一,以山区为重。Rice gall midge is one of the important insect pests in the mautant area of South China.

茉莉花蕾螟生物学特性及其防治初步研究。Study on the biological characteristics and prevention of jasmine midge Neohendecasis sp.

招飞的时候会不会因为有一点飞蚊症就不能过关啊?Action when flying can because there is disease of a bit flying midge cannot pass a barrier?

小麦吸浆虫的发生程度与温度、湿度、日照密切相关。The occurrence degree of wheat midge has close relationship with temperature, humidity and sunshine.

这样加以润饰,就使安娜博尔和米吉在做这个游戏时心安理得,毫无内疚。These embroideries permitted Annabel and Midge to play their game in the luxury of peaceful consciences.

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其中“平民化”的夜来香、薰衣草、天竺葵和驱蚊草最好卖。Among them " civilian is changed " cordate telosma, lavender, geranium and drive midge grass had better sell.

摇蚊在各类水体中广泛分布且大量发生,在稻田生态系统中也有大量发生。The chironomid midge is one of world wide distribution insects and normally occurs in a great abundance among many kinds of water bodies.

“它做长期开车回家甚至更可怜,”说蠓德图,45岁,一个城镇的一个居民在旧金山以南的大约两个时间。"It's making the long drive home even more miserable, " said Midge Detro, 45, a resident of a town about two hours south of San Francisco.

一只摇蚊正在一朵可可花上收集花粉,它将头部刺入盛满花粉和粘稠花蜜的“花瓣口袋”中。A midge gathers pollen from a cacao flower by sticking its head inside a “petal pouch” that contains both pollen and a sticky nectar reward.

记者在网上下载了一个“超级蚊霸”的软件,运行时只听到嗡嗡声,还感觉到有些眩晕和耳鸣。The reporter downloaded on the net " super midge bully " software, buzz is heard only when moving, still feel some are swimmy with tinnitus.

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据了解,这类软件品种繁多,所介绍的原理都是用高频超声波来驱蚊。As we have learned, breed of this kind of software is various, the principle of place introduction is to use high frequency ultrasonic to come drive midge.

一种叫库蠓的昆虫会在牲畜间传播一种名为蓝舌病的致命恶疾,随着气候的变化,蓝舌病正在向欧洲北部蔓延,而蝙蝠则正好以库蠓为食。Bats eat a midge called Culicoides, which carries bluetongue, a devastating livestock disease that is moving northwards in Europe as a result of climate change.

以前也多,但自从我老公想出一个灭蚊高招后,家里的蚊子就成对地被我们消灭!Much also before, but since me husband thinks up to destroy after midge wise move, the mosquito in the home is eliminated by us with respect to didymous ground!