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普拉特医生正打电话给警察。Dr Pratt is phoning the police.

斯普拉格·德·坎普和弗莱彻.普拉特L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt

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罗杰慢慢地上了楼,他想在普拉特医生来前穿好衣服。He wanted to dress before Dr Pratt arrived.

普拉特先生与德伯尼先生否认这些指控。Mr Pratt and Mr Debney deny the allegations.

派锐特医生,我想要告诉你有关昨晚的事。Dr pratt , I want to tell you about last night.

“你的妈妈服了安眠药,”普拉特医生说。‘Your mother took sleeping tablets,’Dr Pratt said.‘Did

普惠Rocketdyne技术公司是一家合资公司。Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne is a United Technologies Corp. company.

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而美国的主要厂商普惠公司只愿意提供咨询服务。US major, Pratt & Whitney, was willing only to provide consultancy.

罗杰慢慢地上了楼,他想在普拉特医生来前穿好衣服。Roger went back upstairs. He wanted to dress before Dr Pratt arrived.

普拉特看到女仆,便忙用叉猛戳开始吃起来。Pratt noticed the maid and began to eat with his fork jabbing rapidly.

上星期一,普拉特学院在无线电城音乐厅举行了毕业典礼。Last Monday, Pratt Institute held its graduation ceremony at Radio City Music Hall.

普拉特的工作人员给他们的顾客额外安排解决这些担心和忧虑。The amount of care and concern the Pratt staff give their patrons is extraordinary.

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JT8D-219发动机的组装和测试工作在普惠公司的康涅狄格州米德尔顿工厂进行。The JT8D-219 engine is assembled and tested in Pratt & Whitney’s Middletown, Conn., facility.

这有多久采取普拉特,以明确广交会技术,并找到它的客户。That's how long it has taken Pratt to nail down the GTF technology and find a customer for it.

住在西富兰克林街的菲尔·马丁已经退休,每天下午他走进普拉特图书馆。Phil Martin, who lives on West Franklin Street, is retired and walks to the Pratt each afternoon.

早期型号的KC-135使用的动力是由普拉特·惠特尼公司提供的四个涡轮喷气发动机。Propulsion on the early models of the KC-135 was supplied by four Pratt & Whitney turbojet engines.

监造新枪厂的机器生产并熟悉机器操作程序。The trip was to inspect and get familiarization with the machinery being produced by Pratt &Whitney.

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两个侦探在厨房和普拉特医生谈话。Some of them with cameras went upstairs to Molly's room. Two detectives talked to Dr Pratt in the kitchen.

现有客户包括美国普惠、加拿大普惠、汉胜等。The existing products are exported to Pratt & Whitney USA, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Hamilton Sundstrand, etc.

研究了葱属太白韭青海4个居群的染色体数目和核型。The present paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 4 populations of Allium pratt ii in Sect.