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通过陪审团的裁决以削减我们的权力现在正由该政府考虑之中。The curtailment of our right to be tried by jury is now under consideration by the Government.

夏威夷已开始节俭能源,但这不会影响大家愉快地度假。While energy curtailment has come to Hawaii also, it should not affect the pleasure of your holiday.

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研究电网可靠性评估中考虑最优负荷削减的问题。Study the question for considering optimal load curtailment in bulk power system adequacy evaluation.

定义了线路削减阻塞电量新指标,并建立了该指标的概率模型。The new index is defined as Line Usage Curtailment , and a probabilistic model is used to calculate the index.

每个傍晚在一个某小时一个女海妖向电力的缩减作信号,而且光走开闪动。At a certain hour each evening a siren signals the curtailment of electrical power, and the lights flicker off.

研究电网可靠性评估中考虑最优负荷削减的问题。This paper studies the question for considering optimal load curtailment in bulk power system adequacy evaluation.

此举应导致2011年信贷投放的收缩,并导致固定资产投资和GDP增速双双下降。This should lead to a curtailment of credit in 2011, which will pull down fixed-asset investment and GDP growth as well.

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梦、催眠、精神病、二氧化碳和迷幻药,刺激剥夺这里有一个共同的元素,正在进行的互动的减少。Dreams, hypnosis, psychosis, C02 and LSD, and stimulus deprivation share at least one factor, the curtailment of ongoing interaction.

电报称,“目前对统治家族最普遍的不满是国王特权的缩减。”"By far the most widespread source of discontent in the ruling family is the King's curtailment of their privileges," the cable says.

近年来,随着黄河流量的缩减,郑州已经成为全国严重缺水的城市之一。In recent years, with the curtailment of flux runoff of the Yellow River, Zhengzhou has become one of the cities being short of water badly.

在人民公社层面,主要介绍赤脚医生的作用以及重大疾病的惊人减少。At the People's Commune level, this mainly revolved around the role of the barefoot doctors and the impressive curtailment of major diseases.

但是他既抨击政府军队的战争行径,也抱怨公民自由的缩减,即使是在斯里兰卡多数民族中。But he railed against both the conduct of the war by the Sri Lankan army and the curtailment of civil liberties even among the Sinhalese majority.

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在现仃的电网规划模型中,大多为将这两部分包括在一个模型中考虑的单一优化模型。In the proposed model, the effects of multi load levels, stochastic line outages, power loss cost and load curtailment cost on the investment decisions are considered.

维基解密及其他媒体也无法要求别人遵守法律,他们所做的不过是增进一些事件的透明度,并抵制可能会带来严重后果的军事行动。WikiLeaks and other media do not demand legal compliance. All they do is push toward transparency and the curtailment of military operations that generate grisly images.

每一层级的宏观结构都是从微观结构和低一级的宏观结构中依照语义蕴含的原则缩减语义信息所得出来的。The macrostructure of each level comes from semantic information curtailment of microstructure and lower-level macrostructure under the principle of semantic implication.

和创造性的削减分开,这个系统性组合可能对小比例的作品是无害的,但应用到大比例时,对于构造的项目,它可能导致畸形。Apart from the great curtailment of inventiveness, this schematism may be harmless for small-scale works, but when applied to large-scale, tectonic projects it leads to monstrosities.

特别是,通过一个合同削减程序,可以评估在解除管制的市场环境下用于考虑安全约束的输电管理双边合同的修正电量。In particular, corrections on bilateral contract power exchanges, through a contract curtailment procedure, are assessed for security-constrained transmission management in a deregulated environment.