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故镀锌钝化处理是必不可少的步骤。So galvanization passivation treatment is necessary steps.

还对钝化结构进行氧退火。Oxygen anneals of passivation structures are also provided.

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根据推荐的条件,循环钝化溶液。Circulate passivation solution as per recommended conditions.

发运出去的产品,其表面钝化膜的颜色一定要保持一致。Passivation colour of finished product must be keeped same color.

所以,使用事务可以是控制钝化的一个策略。So using transactions can be a a strategy to control passivation.

阐述了稀土钝化膜的防蚀机理。Corrosion protection mechanism of rare earth passivation was stated.

焊好今后要对管件停止酸洗和钝化处置。Welding in the future to the pipe to stop pickling and passivation disposal.

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双层减反射膜是底层为钝化膜、顶层为减反射膜的双层膜。Dual ARC is formed of a passivation film at the bottom and an ARC on the top.

本文主要研究了LY12铝合金表面的稀土钝化工艺。This paper mainly studied the rare earth passivation for LY12 aluminum alloy.

它的基本原理是粘膜理论和阳极钝化作用。It's based on the theory of sticky fluid film and the action of anodic passivation.

评述了文献报道和各种不同的无铬钝化工艺的特点及其发展现状。The development and features of chromate-free passivation for metals are summarized.

半导体表面钝化方法很多,但使用最广泛的是PSG膜。The method of semiconductor surfaces passivation have much, but PSG films widely used.

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优化了热丝法氢处理多晶硅锗薄膜工艺条件。An optimized condition for defect passivation by the hot-wire technique was established.

硝酸是一种强氧化酸,它是钝化作用最常用的酸。Nitric acid, a strong oxidizing acid, is the most common acid specified for passivation.

镀锌为三价铬钝化及六价铬钝化工艺。Galvanized to trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium passivation passivation process.

本文介绍了几种玻璃钝化的材料和附着玻璃膜的方法。This Paper introduces several passivation materials and some methods of forming glass film.

在钝化膜上进行有机染色,可作低档产品的防护—装饰镀层。Passivation membrane in the organic dye, can make cheap product protection-adornment coating.

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特别论述硅器件玻璃钝化的原理和工艺流程。Especially, the principles of glass passivation on silicon devices and processes are described.

因此,人们对大豆抗营养因子的钝化方法进行探究。Accordingly, people fights the passivation method of nutrient factor to undertake study to soja.

采用二氧化碳气体钝化处理技术降低了钴粉的氧含量。The influence of CO2 passivation treatment on the oxygen content of cobalt powder was discussed.