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那位飞行员作了八次翻筋斗的飞行表演。The airman looped the loop eight times.

敦克下士也获得了与明星见面的机会。Airman Dunk also got a chance to meet the stars.

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在这些人当中有第一类飞行员帕特里克-麦克唐纳。Among these men was Airman 1st Class Patrick McDonough.

我们全位失踪飞行员的命运感到焦虑。We were all anxious about the fate of the missing airman.

对失踪飞行员的安全甚为担忧。Grave fears are felt for the safety of the missing airman.

飞行员带着降落伞勇敢地跳下飞机。The airman bold ly jump from the airplane with his parachute.

飞行员带著降落伞勇敢地跳下飞机。The airman boldly jumped from the airplane with his parachute.

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“他真的对我们的工作感兴趣,”敦克下士说。"He was genuinely interested in what we all do," Airman Dunk said.

空海营救队接到呼救信号后,在海上救起了被击落的飞行员。AirSea Rescue picked up the downed airman after receiving an SOSmessage.

演员赵寅成已完成军事基础训练并获得飞行员荣誉勋章。Actor, In-Sung Zo finished basic military training and got a badge of an airman.

听到这里,这位…紧张地伸出手,扣好了这位…的衬衫的口袋。At that, the airman nervously reached over and buttoned the colonel's shirt pocket.

这很有趣,”新墨西哥州霍洛曼空军基地的空军一等兵托比·施考兹如是说。It has been fun," said Airman 1st Class Toby Schultz from Holloman Air Force Base, N.M.

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你可能是个训练有素的勇敢的飞行员,但还是会被超级优秀的敌人碾成糊糊。You can be askilled and brave airman and still be creamed by a superbly trained adversary.

“我们只需做好自己并且佯装自己正在进行一项真实任务即可,”敦克下士说。"We just had to be ourselves and pretend like we were doing a real mission," Airman Dunk said.

拉里把我在这本书开头叙述的那个关于一个青年飞行员的故事讲给她听。Larry told her the story of the young airman which I had narrated at the beginning of this book.

在阿富汗死亡的一名弗吉尼亚州空军的遗物将于周日返回多佛空军基地。The remains of a Virginian airman killed in Afghanistan returned to Dover Air Force Base Sunday.

经过局方认可的持有执照的航空人员。The Aircraft Dispatcher is a licensed airman certificated by the Federal Aviation Administration.

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德国的飞行员只须沿一条射束向前飞行,直到他检测到第二条射束时就投掷炸弹。The German airman had only to fly along one beam until he detected the second, and then to drop his bombs.

2007年,一名飞行员被这种特殊的强光灼伤之后,空军发布一个经过严格审查的报告。The Air Force released a carefully censored report in 2007, after an airman was burned by an unusually strong beam.

“能够拍摄到完美的场面是一个忍受痛苦的过程,不过现在我知道为什么电影做出来这么好看了,”敦克下士如是说。"It's a pain-staking process to get that perfect shot, but now I know why the movies turn out to be so good," Airman Dunk said.