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吃用蓝色玉米制作的薄烙饼。Eat blue corn tortilla chips.

玉米薄饼烘烤的恰到好处。The tortilla chips were right out of the oven.

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我们制作的是阿芝台克汤,就像是玉米饼鸡汤。We made Aztec soup, which is like a tortilla chicken soup.

先用中火加热大的煎锅,把一块薄饼放在煎锅上。Heat a large skillet on medium high heat. Place one tortilla in the skillet.

玉米粉圆饼战争和食品价格普遍上涨开始敲响了警钟。Tortilla wars and rising food prices in general started to raise alarm bells.

在盘子空白边上撒上生菜、奶酪和西红柿。用玉米粉条蘸着吃。Layer lettuce, cheese and tomatoes on edge of platter. Serve with tortilla chips.

可选酸奶油,辣调味汁和玉米烙饼一起做成的。It's made from black beans, rice, optional soured cream, salsa and a corn tortilla.

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它是由黑豆,米饭,可选酸奶油,辣调味汁和玉米烙饼一起做成的。It’s made from black beans, rice, optional soured cream, salsa and a corn tortilla.

取出薄饼包入布巾,这样直到所有薄饼都做好为止。Remove the tortilla and wrap it in a napkin. Repeat until all tortillas are cooked.

在装料平台上卷好玉米面粉饼的接口,并使接口朝下地放在一个适合烘培的盘子里。Wrap the tortilla around the filling and place it seam side down in a greased baking pan.

金黄酥脆的捲饼外皮加入豆泥、炖饭、马铃薯和起司!Refried beans, red rice, potatoes and cheese wrapped in a tortilla fried till golden crisp.

有时,玉米圆饼会被油炸成硬壳,抑或只是加热以保持其松软。Sometimes the tortilla is fried to make a hard-shelled taco, or just heated up to keep it soft.

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接着,大象把狮子踩在脚下,直到狮子看上去像块玉米饼,才从从容容地离去。The elephant then stomped on the lion until it looked like a corn tortilla and then ambled away.

待圆饼凉至室温时用盘盛放,撒上欧芹,将圆饼切成小三角形或方形再食用。Transfer the tortilla to a plate, sprinkle with parsley and serve cut into triangles or squares.

我们的主要食品有,纯美国沙司、烤玉米麦条和玉米粉。Our main food products are Real American Sauce and Baked Wheat Tortilla Chips and Tortilla Flour.

将一个大号平底盘倒扣在锅上方,将锅底朝上翻,圆饼直落进盘。Place a large flat plate on top of the pan and invert the pan. The tortilla should come right out.

阿饼的芯片制造商投资于新的包装设备,以跟上趋势缩小袋。A tortilla chip maker invests in new bagging equipment to keep up with the trend in downsized bags.

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在这个自由添加视频剪辑石灰汁配方为玉米粉圆饼汤自制酸奶探索秘诀。Discover tips for adding lime juice to sour cream for homemade tortilla soup in this free recipe video clip.

在6英寸的软玉米或玉米粉薄烙饼上加上层2汤匙的低脂碎片干酪或者蒙特雷杰克奶酪。Layer a 6-inch soft corn or flour tortilla with 2 tablespoons shredded low-fat cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese.

那个添加在西南地区的沙拉中的辣椒玉米块,虽然用了几个代名词来隐藏味精的存在。The chili lime tortilla strips that are included in the southwest salads have several ingredients used to hide MSG.