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这种方法称为普氏概念选择法。This method is known as Pugh concept selection.

不同肝功能分级的肝硬化患者间血清瘦素水平差异不显著。There was no significant difference in different Child- Pugh class of cirrhosis.

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在他“泳”渡北极海之后,路易斯·普发誓再也不会跳入如此冰冷的水中。After he swam the North Pole, Lewis Pugh vowed never to take another cold-water dip.

低氧血症在肝功能C级患者最为明显,肝性低氧血症与门脉高压相关。Hypoxemia occurred mainly in patients with Child Pugh C, which was correlated with portal hypertension.

普是全球惟一一位在五大洋中完成长距离游泳的人。Pugh is the only person to have completed a long distance swim in each of the five oceans of the world.

如果你喜欢3D艺术,我确信你一定会爱上加利福尼亚艺术家约翰普格的作品。If you like 3D art, I’m sure you will like this set of 3D Building Art made by Californian artist John Pugh.

在极度冰冷的水中游泳,路易斯·普试图以这种方式唤起人们对全球气候变化的重视。Pushing his body through epic cold-water swims, Lewis Gordon Pugh wants to draw attention to our global climate.

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市议政厅议长查尔斯·皮尤及当地慈善机构S斯基尔曼基金会的会长也将出席。Charles Pugh was there, the leader of the city council. Carol Goss was there, head of the Skillman Foundation, a busy local charity.

接下来,我们介绍Pugh选择框图作为一种卓有成效决策支持工具,可以用于与之相关的过程。Then we present Pugh selection charts as an effective decision-making support tool that can be used in conjunction with the process.

比利普格有限公司,我们甚至会与您密切合作,以定制现有产品或开发一个新的特定的应用。At Billy Pugh Co. we will even work closely with you to customize an existing product or develop a new one for your specific application.

“他的膝盖除了问题,”穆帅说“我认为其他的球员,对受伤更敏感,没有他那么坚强的意志的,早就下场了。”"He has a problem with his knee, " said Mourinho. "I think another player, more sensitive without his mind to pugh palay throin, would have been off.

艾力克斯是一位非传统的艺术化妆师。她令人称奇的作品使模特卡尔的面庞增色不少。Alex Box is an unconventional makeup artist whose amazing creations have adorned the faces of models for Karl Lagerfeld and avantgarde British designer, Gareth Pugh.

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有很多有意思的调查研究,关于食品,和人际关系的联系,其中皮尤基金会,2006年4月发布的一项调查试图解析,究竟有多少人能真正从饮食中获得享受There have been some interesting surveys about people's relationship with food and the Pugh Foundation did a survey that was published in April of 2006 that asked people how much found out what percentage of people really enjoy eating.