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坎特伯雷大主教柏克特T。Thomas ket, Archbishop of Canterbury.

坎特伯雷大主教罗文·威廉斯说道。Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams

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坎特伯雷大主教柏克特T。Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.

安全带警报灯运转正常,未发现问题。The question is, what did the archbishop find?

由此形成了罗总主教的生命哲学。Archbishop Lo formed his philosophy of life accordingly.

主教出席了新教堂的献堂典礼。The archbishop attended the dedication of the new church.

坎特伯雷大主教被称为全英总主教。The Archbishop of Canterbury is called the Primate of All England.

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其中水平较高的有僧院学校和大主教学校。Monastery which has a high level of schools and the Archbishop of schools.

这是在坎特伯雷大主教宣布他们成为夫妻之后进行的。It should be after the Archbishop of Canterbury pronounces them man and wife.

除了作为金雀花王朝的卫城,多佛城堡还是被谋杀的大主教的另一标榜。It was yet another example of the murdered archbishop saving Plantagenet hide.

我记得坎特伯雷大主教在一场布道会里批评摇滚乐。I remember the Archbishop of Canterbury preaching a sermon against rock'n'roll.

因此在大主教劳德的淫威下,只有官方的礼拜时能够在教堂里被吟诵。So under Archbishop Laud, only the official liturgy could be recited in church.

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在本笃十六世担任慕尼黑大主教期间,还有一个更加严重的问题挥之不去。An even more serious question hangs over Benedict’s term as archbishop of Munich.

塞浦路斯成为独立共和国,大主教马卡里奥任第一任总统。Cyprus became an independent Republic, with Archbishop Makarios its first President.

今天,英国国教会任命了首位黑人大主教。In a few hours time, the Church of England will enthrone its first black Archbishop.

然而,坎特伯雷素来是基督教大主教和僧侣的聚集地。But Canterbury would always be the city of the archbishop and monks of Christ Church.

许多人在罗州人感到惊讶和不解,这突然的访问,大主教。Many people in Naju were surprised and puzzled by this sudden visit by the Archbishop.

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以上的诠释证明罗总主教生命哲学的真实性。All the interpretation above confirm the virility of Archbishop Lo's philosophy of life.

大主教环节圣博尼法斯长期以来的愿望,以丰富他的教区同一个机构的这种。Archbishop Tache had long desired to enrich his diocese with an institution of this kind.

在双方父母和宾客的见证下,瑞典大主教安德斯•韦伊瑞德宣布两人结为夫妻。Swedish Archbishop Anders Wejryd married the couple in front of their parents and guests.