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渐弱力量或音量的逐渐减弱。A gradual decrease in force or loudness.

从他们所听到声音的大小声。From the loudness of the tone they heard.

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乔用呼哧呼哧的喘气声来回答这个问题。John answered with the loudness of his breathing.

分贝是用来测定声音大小的单位。The decibel is the unit used to measure the loudness of sound.

肺部压缩空气的力量大小,决定音量大小。The compression from your lungs determine the loudness of the voices.

这个模型认为,响度对数的辨别阈不随信号强度变化。According to the model, limen of logarithm loudness is independent of intensity.

将滤波后的参数映射为响度,由此模拟人的感知过程。Mapping the filtered MFCC to loudness the process of human perception is simulated.

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很不幸,人类的耳朵并不能清楚地判断噪音的大小程度。Unfortunately, the human ear does not judge clearly the degree of loudness of a noise.

但是在那里,没有人会说自己的价值是由她丈夫的打嗝响度测量。But over there, nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her husband's belch.

忽然,一个新来者引起了我们的注意,这主要是因为他的嗓门特别高。Now the newcomer attracted our attention, mainly because of the extreme loudness of his voice.

响度组合是汉语语音修辞的要素之一。The combination of loudness is one of the crucial elements of the phonetic rhetoric in Chinese.

电视机和收音机加起来90或J00分贝,某单位用来测量声音的响度。TV sets and radios add up to 90 or J00 decibels, a certain unit used to measure the loudness of sound.

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而音调信号的清晰度和响度适宜性与信号的绝对强度和相对强度都有关。The clearness of signal and the fitness of loudness are related to both absolute and relative intensity.

目的探讨伴有重振的听力障碍者助听器验配方法。Objective To discuss methods of hearing aids fitting for hearing-impaired people with loudness recruitment.

一些手榴弹兵立马卧倒捂住耳朵为了不听到炮火的巨响。Some of the grenadiers quickly crouched down and covered their ears because of the loudness of the gunfire.

在直方图模型设计中,根据响度数据的统计分布对直方图模型进行优化。In the design of histogram model, statistical distribution of loudness is used to optimize the histogram model.

回声抵达双耳的时机、回声的大小和回声的方向表明了物体所处的方位和距离。The timing, loudness and direction from which the echo arrives at each ear indicate the direction and distance of the object.

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一个单词中的一个音节、词组里的一个或几个单词,或一个句子,读起来显得更有力或更响亮一些,称为重音。Stress refers to the degree of force or loudness you give to a syllable in a word or to a word or words in a phrase or a sentence.

并采用模糊直方图进一步提高直方图模型对噪声和响度数值扰动的鲁棒性。At the same time, fuzzy histogram is used to improve the robustness of histogram model to noise and small change in loudness value.

说话的时候音调要适中,别太大,也别太小,并且不要让别人的音调影响你。Talk in a medium pitch voice, not too loud or too low, and don't let the loudness or pitch of other people's voices influence yours.