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我在远东公司服务。I'm with Far Eastern.

天空东方变成了粉红色。The eastern sky pinkened.

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这并不仅仅在肯塔基州的东部。It is not just eastern Kentucky.

他向东方的天空望去。He looked toward the eastern sky.

斯科特成为2002年东部全明星教练。Scott, a 2002 Eastern All-Star coach.

北美洲西部的草地鹨。A meadowlark of eastern north america.

朝阳映红了东方的天空。The rising sun flames the eastern sky.

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乌克兰是一个东欧国家。Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe.

我居住在长沙市的东区。I live in eastern part of Changsha City.

哈罗,东方贷款有限公司。L︰Hello, Eastern Credit Sendirian Berhad.

它们正朝着南阿拉斯加游去。They're heading for south eastern Alaska.

黑海山脉东部的齐格纳通道。Zigana Pass, Eastern Black Sea Mountains.

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东部山区被针叶树林覆盖。Conifer forests cover the eastern versant.

它是加拿大东部日照最充足的城市。It is the sunniest of eastern Canada city.

西安是丝绸之路的东端。Xi'an is the eastern end of the Silk Road.

南斯拉夫是东欧集团的成员之一。which is located in eastern European bloc.

东部农场主和移民纷纷西迁。Eastern farmers and immigrants headed west.

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让路,哦,请为我美丽的东方玫瑰让点路。Make way, oh, make way for my Eastern Rose.

产于亚洲、欧洲东部渐新统。Produced in Asia, Eastern Europe Oligocene.

我会引进一些东方思想的观点。I will bring in ideas from eastern thoughts.