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不过,我的大部分时间是在贵格教学校度过的。However, I spent most of my time in a Quaker school.

你看,贵格会教徒也会奉承人了,但你可别翘尾巴呀。You see a Quaker can flatter, but don't you be proud.

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有时,宾州也被称作“贵格会之州”。Pennsylvania is also sometimes called The Quaker State.

1969年,费价格收购了桂格燕麦片公司买下。In 1969, Fisher Price was acquired by The Quaker Oats Company.

燕麦有恐龙蛋和其他神秘的宝藏。Quaker Oatmeal contains dinosaur eggs and other hidden treasures.

斯科特发达国家贵作为一个插件来模拟地震的效果。Scott developed Quaker as a plugin to simulate earthquake effects.

他甚至可能参加过贵格会议,但我们对此不能确定He may have even attended a Quaker meeting, but we're not sure about that.

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这些是管理能力问题,而与价值观、贵格会或其它问题无关。These are issues of management competence rather than values, Quaker or otherwise.

“裴廓德号”的大副叫斯达巴克,他是个土著的南塔开特人,也是个教友会教徒的后代。The chief mate of the Pequod was Starbuck, a native of Nantucket, and a Quaker by descent.

很显然,布莱尔并没有完全遵照麦克姆雷的和平主义以及教友派作风。Obviously, Blair has not followed Macmurray all the way to his pacifist and Quaker destination.

它的建立者威廉·派恩及其众多追随者,都是新教徒贵格会团体的成员。Its founder, William Penn, and most of his followers, were members of the Protestant Quaker religion.

他从贵格会教徒的祖先那里继承到了一些优秀品质,但是通过刻苦努力,他克服了这些优点。He inherited some good instincts from his Quaker forebears, but by diligent hard work, he overcame them.

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布恩出生在宾夕法尼亚州伯克郡的里丁,是一对工作努力、热爱冒险的贵格教徒夫妇之子。Boone was born near Reading, in Berks County, Pennsylvania, the son of hard-working but adventurous Quaker parents.

桂格公司说网上宣传提高了顾客对其产品的忠诚度并增进了企业对顾客的了解。Quaker Oats reports that the online promotion created product loyalty and helped the company know its customers better.

桂格公司的佳得乐网上促销活动的参加者回答几个问题即可获赠一件T恤衫。Online participants in Quaker Oats' Gatorade promotion received a free T-shirt in exchange for answering a few questions.

伟大的英国领袖奥利弗?克伦威尔曾送去很多礼物,企图赢得乔治?福克斯和他领导的公谊会支持,但是未能成功。Oliver Cromwell, the great English leader, offered many gifts to win the support of George Fox and his Quaker group, but failed.

伊丽莎担心洛克可能会失去生命,说服乔治把洛克带到附近的夸克村寻求救治。Worried that Loker may die, Eliza convinces George to bring the slave hunter to a nearby Quaker settlement for medical treatment.

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“我对贵格会没什么帮助,”母亲说,“我以前上过贵格会学校,不过只是把每个人都打趴下。"I don't have much use for Quakers," my mother said. "I'd've liked to've gone to a Quaker school, though, just to beat everybody up.

在这场大战当中,新兴的贵格会便很好地利用了这种传播媒介,通过大规模的小册子出版活动,最大限度地扩大了自己的影响力。In this war, the new Quaker made a good use of this kind of media and maximized expanding their influence by mass pamphlet publication.

这里明确指出的是所有的人,如那位公谊会牧师所言,“所以也是所有的女人”在政府中的发言权。Here is pronounced the right of all men, and "consequently, " as the Quaker preacher said, "of all women, " to a voice in the government.