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她认为那看上去像没受过教育。She thought it looked uneducated.

与其说他不聪明,不如说他未受过教育。He is not so unintelligent as uneducated.

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努力学习,否则你会是个不学无术的人。Study hard, or you'll be an uneducated man.

没受过教育的母亲不能指点孩子。An uneducated mother cannot guide her child.

幽默家故意装成没有受过教育的平民。The humorist posed as a plain uneducated man.

与其说他不聪明,不如说他未受教育。He is not so much unintelligent as uneducated.

有没有看到那个没教养的牛去哪了?So did you see where is the "uneducated" bull?

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必须没有土匪、流氓、罪犯、无教养的禽兽!No dacoits, rouges, criminals, uneducated brutes!

与其说这男孩不聪明,不如说他没受过教育。The boy is not so much unintelligent as uneducated.

这纯粹是未受教育者的一种粗俗说法。It is the uneducated vulgarity of expression at all.

未受教育的人要么不能做要么做得很差。The uneducated people was either unable to do it or do it badly.

有丈夫又能怎样呢,特别是有个没文化的丈夫?What would I do with a husband, especially an uneducated husband?

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对于没有受过教育的人而言,看格言是个明白事理的好方法。It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read a book of quotations.

民主遭到排斥,因为它是未受教育者的统治。Democracy is rejected because it is as such the rule of the uneducated.

你延缓哲夫小谷是个无知的笨蛋,想把核废物浇到你的头上吗?Tetsuo Kotani is an uneducated moron, did the nuclear waste goto your head?

这个故事是从“老粗看旧报”引起的。The story was caused from "The uneducated person read the old newspaper. ""

例如,在一些国家,艾滋病在未受过教育的女孩中蔓延的速度快两倍。In some countries, for example, AIDS spreads twice as fast among uneducated girls.

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在世界上的贫穷、患病、挨饿和未受过教育人群中,妇女仍然占大多数。Women are still the majority of the world’s poor, unhealthy, underfed, and uneducated.

不标准的方言是指未受教育的活着社会上不得势群体所讲的方言。A nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups.

政府官员和消费者都受过尽管这些高调入室行窃。Government officials and consumers are uneducated despite these high-profile break-ins.