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根本没有共鸣。Not resonate at all.

你对以上那些有共鸣吗?So, do any of these resonate with you?

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而在当今中国,这些禁忌已不被认同了。In China today, such taboos no longer resonate.

是什么概念和理想可以让你产生共鸣?What concepts or ideals resonate most strongly with you?

那些声明只会与许多人没有共鸣。That statement just doesn’t resonate with many people anymore.

我们的周围环境往往萦迴在脑海里。Our immediate surroundings often continue to resonate in our heads.

善意的概念与你的精神信仰应该是合拍的。The concept of kindness should resonate with your spiritual beliefs.

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奥巴马的农业政策同样在农业县外引发共鸣。Mr Obama's agricultural policies also resonate beyond rural counties.

付费推讯必须面临更加高的门槛——必须引起用户的共鸣。promoted tweets must meet a higher bar —they must resonate with users.

选择一个方案、课程或与你有共鸣的良师益友,并坚持下去。Pick one program, course or mentor you resonate with and stick with it.

表示20天的象形文字与一些特别的动物或者鸟类产生共鸣。The glyphs of the 20 days resonate with a particular animal or bird as well.

最后这句话在西方人那里得到了令人愉快的共鸣。This last phrase was pitched to resonate pleasingly in the ears of the West.

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洛杉矶市参议会成员赫博.维森指出,马丁.路德.金的话仍然掷地有声。Los Angeles City Council member Herb Wesson says King’s words still resonate.

我非常认同叔本华、伏尔泰、尼采、弗洛伊德的观点。I resonate greatly with the views of Schopenhauer, Voltaire, Nietzsche, Freud.

墙面的骨质材料也开始以共鸣作为回应。The exoskeletal material that made up the hive walls began to resonate in response.

结构的长度决定了能与什么样的波长产生共振。The length of a structure determines what wavelength of light it will resonate with.

这些字符将作为每一个共鸣交融球员沮丧和乐趣。These characters will resonate with every golfer as frustration and fun intermingle.

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依赖于量位的状态,空穴可在某个频率上发生共振。Depending what state the qubit is in, the cavity will resonate at a certain frequency.

占领华尔街运动看上去像是会在美国黑人群体中产生共鸣。Occupy Wall Street might seem like a movement that would resonate with black Americans.

在音乐世家里养大的孩子可能一生之中对歌舞都有共鸣。A child reared in a family of musicians may all his/her life resonate to song and dance.