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第二首是现代派的画风。The second is of a modernistic style.

所以,观念艺术首先是现代主义的。So, ideal art is modernistic above all.

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自我言说其存在,是现代主义艺术的特质之一。Self-existence is one of the special features of modernistic art.

他嘲笑超现实主义画家是“现代主义低能”的领导者。He derided the surrealists as 'leaders of modernistic imbecility'.

这些作家中有左翼与右翼之分,现实主义与现代主义之别。They can be classified as the right wing or the left wing, realistic and modernistic.

检验并证实了汉画像石艺术的现代化转化之可行性。Inspect and prove the feasibility of modernistic transform of the HAN dynasty stone relief.

狄金森与惠特曼一起,并称为美国现代主义诗歌的先驱。Along with Walt Witman, Dickinson is regarded as the precursor of American modernistic poetry.

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近代以来,中国人对于现代性政治的拒斥基本上是基于特殊主义的理由。In these neoteric days, Chinese spurn at modernistic politics, basically ground on particularism.

在现实中具有指导企业改革和完善现代企业制度的意义。We research helps to enterprise's reform and consummating modernistic enterprise institutionalist.

由复调这个新的视野,我们可以发现胡风文学理论未尽的现代蕴涵。On the platform of polyphony theory, we can discover the modernistic connotation of Hufeng's theory.

有了一个新的现代主义家居设计方法,提供身份,创造力与和谐的焦点。With focus on a new modernistic approach to home design that offers identity, creativity and harmony.

我刚刚从巴西回来,在那里的新建筑中,这种主题被大量的反映出来。I've just made a trip to Brazil, where there are a great number of these exhibitionist modernistic buildings.

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基于此点,本文应用现代优化算法中的遗传算法和禁忌搜索算法提出三种次佳多用户检测器。So in this thesis, three modernistic optimum algorithms for MUD in CDMA communications systems were proposed.

现代的西方西绪福斯精神孕育了西方现代主义文学的新悲剧意识。Modern western Sisyphus spirits gave birth to the new tragedy consciousness of western modernistic literature.

现代主义用减法去掉繁杂的装饰、非本质的功能和情感。Modernistic with function of the adornment with subtraction multifarious take out, nonessential and affection.

这也是我的作品被认为是能够很好的融入现代日本的一个原因吧。That’s perhaps why some people say that my kimonos blend naturally into the modernistic spaces of today’s Japan.

今天的现代主义风格热忱地接受了自然色彩,偶然也使用大胆的色彩作强调。Today's modernistic style accepted natural colour cordially, now and then also use bold colour to make emphasize.

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高等职业教育的发展状况反映着一个国家或地区的现代化水平与程度。The developing situation of high vocational education reflects modernistic standard and degree of a country or an area.

第二部分论述徐訏小说的现代性,主要分析了他小说中存在的现代性的主题、现代性情绪和现代性方法。The second part discusses modernistic of Xuxu's novels, this has three aspects, modern theme, modern feeling, modern ways.

美国文学具有浓厚的基督教文化背景,现代主义文学也有神话模式的运用。There is a profound Christian culture background in American literature. Modernistic literature also applies mythical mode.