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伪造钱币是犯罪行为。It is a crime to counterfeit money.

假贵族喜欢假冒的奢侈品。Poseurs like counterfeit luxury goods.

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这张十元钞票是伪钞。This ten-dollar bill is a counterfeit.

我宁愿你给我十美元钞票。This ten-dollar bill is a counterfeit.

谁在与假药贸易作斗争?Who is fighting the counterfeit trade?

我被判定有伪造罪。I must take some counterfeit nourishment.

我们疑心这个证件是伪造的。We suspect the paper to be a counterfeit.

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专利产品仿造必究。Patent product, the counterfeit must investigate.

伪劣商品侵越了消费者的合法权益。Counterfeit goods infringe customers' legal rights.

他睡着了,沉睡得像死了一样。He fell into a sleep so deep as to counterfeit death.

你看见过假装胆小怕事的么,罗瑞先生?Did you ever see a counterfeit of timidity, Mr. Lorry?

变成假名牌表和真正的伤疤。Get turned into counterfeit watches and genuine scars.

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对不起,这两张百元美钞是伪造的。Sorry, these two one hundred dollar bills are counterfeit.

您应该可以感受到,北京地区流通中的人民币整洁度非常高。Obviously, it's rare to get counterfeit currency in Beijing.

他们不只是销售假冒服装或电子产品。They aren’t just selling counterfeit clothing or electronics.

假“阿里”则含有大剂量的西布曲明。the counterfeit versions contained high doses of sibutramine.

你能区分出真钱和假钱吗?Can you discriminate between real money and counterfeit money?

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然而,中国的假冒轴承市场也在迅速发展。Yet, China also has a burgeoning counterfeit bearings industry.

而当有假冒伪劣产品时,我们就被剥夺了上述这些权益。When there are counterfeit products, we are denied these rights.

中国的电子商务繁荣给打假者带来了新的阵地。China's e-commerce boom has given counterfeit hunters a new front.