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维数最小只能是1One is the lowest dimension.

低音的黄铜制管乐器。The lowest brass wind instrument.

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报价单上的价格是实价吗?。This is the lowest possible price.

那么这会是我们的最低能量。So this would be our lowest energy.

最低的声音是持续最久的The lowest sounds last the longest.

它在套牌里排序最低。It has the lowest rank of the suits.

所以晶体会具有最低的能量。It'll go to the lowest energy state.

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这是一列长途列车的一节车厢。A car of the lowest level in section.

我们不用水的沸点和冰点作为参考。It's the lowest number you can go to.

同时山羊奶含脂量最低。Their milk is also the lowest in fat.

这是你能接受的最低价格吗?Is this the lowest price you can take?

挂果最多的树枝垂得最低。The boughs that bear most hang lowest.

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她是在生命中最低潮的?候。She is at the lowest point in her life.

她的生物周期正处最低潮。Her biorhythms were at their lowest ebb.

减去最低的公分母。Reduced to the lowest common denominator.

选择伏特计的最低量程。Select the lowest range of the voltmeter.

系统已经处于自由焓最低的状态。It's already in the lowest enthalpy state.

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埃及人是亚历山大港地位最低的。The Egyptians were the lowest in the city.

是最低投资评级。BBB- is the lowest investment grade rating.

实际上,工资最低的是女招待。The lowest wages actually go to waitresses.