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所以转变态度才是关键。So really the change has to be attitudinal.

而态度热情在汉语文化中被认为是非常有礼貌的。Attitudinal warmth is considered very polite in the Chinese culture.

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一旦进行了这样的态度转变,你就准备好了系统防御。Once you've made this attitudinal shift, you're ready for a systematic defense.

消费者认知、态度和行为方面的一些变量,和品牌忠诚相互作用。Some consumers cognitive, attitudinal and behavioral variables interact with brand loyalty.

提出下面这些问题的应聘者则反映出截然不同的态度The following sample questions asked by applicants reflect a decidedly different attitudinal bent

作者在本文中引用了大量的关于态度理论的文献。With its integrative approach to theory, the paper also contributes to the attitudinal literature.

您需要明确察觉听众在态度和行为方面前后的变化。You need to specify both the attitudinal and the behavioral changes you are looking for in your audience.

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顾客的态度和行为数据的检验过程,以预测并影响顾客购买方式。The process of examining attitudinal and behavioral customer data to predict and influence customer buying patterns.

态度上的抵制仍是障碍,并且避孕用具的获取情况尽管有所改善,但仍非常有限。Attitudinal resistance remains a barrier and access to contraceptives, though improving, is still shockingly limited.

从话语分析的视角看,人称代词隐含着人际意义和态度意义。From the perspective of critical discourse analysis, personal pronouns embody interpersonal and attitudinal meanings.

老年群体对体育的健身作用的认识是积极的,态度倾向性也是正确的、主动的。The old people hold a positive view on the body-building function of sports with proper and voluntary attitudinal orientation.

本文研究了零售商不同的态度承诺与供应商权力使用间的互动关系。This paper discusses the interaction relationship between the retailer′s attitudinal commitment and the supplier′s use of power.

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如果湖人不愿意落后骑士很多,他们有很多要做,关于态度也关于战术。If the Lakers want to stay close with Cleveland, they have a list of things to adjust, some of them attitudinal , some of them strategic.

本文从态度、介入和分级意义三个方面分析虚拟语气的评价意义。This paper aims to analyze the appraisal meaning of subjunctive mood from the perspective of the attitudinal meaning, engagement and graduation.

从态度意义的角度看,它们既有独立于文化语境的一面,又有受文化语境影响的一面。It could be concluded from the perspective of attitudinal meanings that linguistics book reviews are both culturally independent and culturally varied.

三是最喜欢的二战期间的将领就是隆美尔,“沙漠之狐”,横扫整个北非战场,铁血霸气的战术巨人!Three is favorite during world war ii, "the general is desert fox Erwin rommel, " swept the north Africa battlefield tactics of giant, attitudinal blood!

他提出人际功能主要是由语气和情态系统实现的。In Hallidayan tradition, interpersonal function is mainly realized by mood system, modality system, attitudinal epithets, comment adjuncts, vocatives etc.

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英语动词表态性过去时及进行体在表示请求、提议等句式中常带有委婉礼貌的功能。The attitudinal past and progressive aspect in English, when used in sentences of requests and proposals, may have functions of flexibility and politeness.

并会继续对饮食性疾病的个人症状进行更进一步的研究,从而与本文所讨论的行为方面的症状进行对比。Further research will also be conducted into the attitudinal symptoms of eating disorders, compared to the behavioral symptoms being discussed in this paper.

本文研究了一个自选阅读项目对英语专业大学生在自主学习活动中态度、行为的影响。The present paper focuses on the effects of a self-access extensive reading program on English majors' attitudinal and behavioral changes in autonomous learning.