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奢侈最终导致贫困。Extravagance ends in want.

铺张浪费将会是个大问题。Extravagance will be a problem.

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它诠释出财富和奢侈。It conveys wealth and extravagance.

你最奢侈的东西是什么?What is your greatest extravagance?

他怪我太浪费。He grumbled sometimes of her extravagance.

避免铺张浪费或风险性财务方案。Avoid extravagance or risky financial schemes.

这些政府官员疯狂地进行挥霍。The government officials launched into extravagance.

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他作品的美极尽奢华。The beauty of his collection lies in the extravagance.

他往往舍不得花更不会做奢侈浪费的事。He often reluctant to spend more won't do extravagance.

他的收入不允许他生活奢侈。His income allows of no extravagance in his way of living.

杰克断言男按摩师是一种不必要的奢侈。Jack protested the' masseur was an unnecessary extravagance.

放荡和虚荣使他变得残忍自私。Extravagance and vanity had made him coldhearted and selfish.

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他认为乘飞机头等舱是典型的浪费。Flying first-class, according to him, epitomizes extravagance.

贪污腐化、奢侈浪费等现象仍在蔓延滋长。Corruption, extravagance and waste are still growing and spreading.

每每她的娱乐活动也被人们视为不爱国的行为。When she entertained, critics accused her of unpatriotic extravagance.

助长奢侈浪费和盲目攀比之风。Three, encourage extravagance and waste and blind the wind of themselves.

他们的灭绝性的狩猎是不能以经济需要来辩护的。They destroy game with an extravagance that cannot be justified by economic need.

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有人会说,泡温泉你还要去国外,太奢侈了。But someone will say, bubble hot spring would you like to go abroad, the extravagance.

他尽管很神气,爱讲排场,但我觉得他并不象他装的那么有钱。With all his conceit and extravagance he is not so rich. I fancy, as he affects to be.

你知道,有些人会说,现在买一盘碟片,即使非法制造的,也是一种奢侈。You know, some people would say that buying a CD, even a bootlegged one, is an extravagance.