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呃!看呐!一个香熟美味的热狗!EEEW! Look! A gnarly old hot dog!

我的刀可不止精确,而简直是暴力。My blade is not only precise, but totally gnarly.

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女人给予人类生育,这他妈的太牛逼了。尊重女性。Women give birth and that's gnarly. Respect them.

麂皮和帆布鞋面一个粗糙的外观和很长的最后。Suede and canvas upper for a gnarly look and a long last.

过去我喜欢吃速食,但那是种垃圾食物。I used to be really into fast food, but that stuff's kind of gnarly.

领导要有信心面对棘手的问题和很深的分裂。Leaders need confidence to confront gnarly problems and deep divisions.

黑色球鞋的使用者可能是你那在俱乐部渡过整个职业生涯的执拗的队长。Having been at the club all his senior career, black boots might be your gnarly team captain.

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粗糙的角使水牛显得暴躁和具有攻击性,但它们的眼睛却述说着一个不同的故事。Their gnarly horns make the buffalo appear so mean and aggressive, but their eyes tell a different story.

眼看问题经纬万端,进退两难、入困境,死路一条,盘根错节的命定可能性,但找不到明显的出路。I see conundrums, dilemmas, quandaries, impasses, gnarly thickets of fateful possibility with no obvious way out.

河口附近有一个沙地岬角,上面建着一些装饰了贝壳和多瘤漂木的低矮建筑物。Near the mouth of the river is a sandy spit with low buildings decorated with oyster shells and gnarly driftwood.

山顶上,粗桧,柏树领导着又一个单独的协会,小鹿,狐狸和青苔是其会员。On the crest of the hill, gnarly juniper and cypress trees preside over a separate association of deer, fox, and lichen.

粗糙的角使水牛显得暴躁和具有攻击性,但它们的眼睛却述说着一个不同的故事。博茨瓦纳,丘比国家公园。Their gnarly horns make the buffalo appear so mean and aggressive, but their eyes tell a different story. Chobe National Park, Botswana.

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如果是一个有很多内部调出到其他包含并行状态的杂乱系统,那你需要在并行实现前先做一些清理。If it is a gnarly mess with lots of internal callouts to other systems to maintain parallel state changes, then you have some cleanup to do before trying a parallel implementation.

画完妆后接下来的一天里,大家会持续往我嘴里喷黑灰,然后我还得把黑灰弄得满嘴都是最终达到各种恶心效果,当然这些玩意味道也很恶心。During the rest of the day people will continually spray black grime into my mouth, which I am then instructed to spread over my teeth for the ultimate gnarly effect. Tastes gnarly, too.