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此外,还介绍了HN-5C在技术上所进行的重要改进。Moreover, It also briefs technologically the important improvements.

使用先进技术的冷却风扇托盘为系统降温。Cool your system with our technologically advanced colling fan trays.

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不过现在的电子阅读器,像第一代的iPod,技术上极为简陋。But today's e-readers, like that first iPod, are technologically quite simple.

新基因编辑工具在技术层面不可思议,在道德层面令人困惑。New genome-editing tools are technologically incredible and ethically flummoxing.

拥有人声称它是世界上技术最先进的游轮。Its owners claim it is the most technologically advanced cruise ship in the world.

不要只是创造一些技术令人印象深刻、但其他则空无一物的设计。Don’t just create designs that are simply technologically impressive and nothing else.

在中东,此种迅速开发并不仅仅在技术上不可行。In the Middle East, this type of rapid development is just not technologically feasible.

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城市降压电站被认为是最为科技“摩登”的。The central city reducing substation is considered to be the most technologically modern.

公司技术先进、装备精良、管理科学、经营规范。The company technologically advanced, well-equipped scientific management and operating norms.

这将意味着在政治上,经济上和技术上与美国展开竞争。This will mean competing with the United States politically, economically and technologically.

阿塔人原本是一个和平的种族,科技水平大约相当于人类的石器时代。The Atavus were originally a peaceful race, technologically about equal to the Human Stone Age.

位于硅谷的捷径医院是目前世界上医疗技术条件最先进的。The new El Camino Hospital in Silicon Valley is the most technologically advanced in the world.

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日本作为一个老龄化的科技先进国,应该是全球医疗护理领域的领头羊。As an aged, technologically advanced country, Japan ought to be a global leader in medical care.

国家鼓励举办先进技术企业和产品出口企业。The State encourages the setting up of technologically advanced and export-oriented enterprises.

我把画命名为「不合时期」因为这个人物是从一个科技先进的社会而来的。The picture is titled " Anachronism" because Zed is from a very technologically advanced society.

这一革命性的减肥产品是目前市场上最有效的。The technologically advanced thermogenic blend is the most powerful diet pill formula every made.

这些工具可为企业提供他们所需的财政和技术层面上的可调整战略。These tools give businesses the takedown tactics they need, both financially and technologically.

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往昔的竞争对手,现在要合作——包括文化和技术上,这是一个挑战。It is a challenge to get two former rivals to work together – both culturally and technologically.

这可能是因为Twitter在技术层面上并不算是一个好的平台,王委婉地说。It may be that Twitter is not technologically a good platform for such a thing, as Wang insinuates.

对我而言,从技术上变革具有商业潜力的东西就是我的创造。For me, innovating technologically something that has commercial potential is my form of creativity.