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也违背了神的首者了!Breach divine head person too!

墙上豁了一个口子。There is a breach in the wall.

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违约责任。the liability for breach of contract.

作弊会违背自已良心吗?Cheat can breach oneself's conscience?

他们的婚姻出现了裂痕。A nuptial breach appeared between them.

他的越狱使他罪上加罪。His breach of prison adds to his crime.

他的言辞是对王权的侵犯。His words was a breach upon kingly power.

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我可以提议劳动一上,喝杯咖啡吗?May I adduce that we breach for coffee now?

但我为什麽责备你两番背盟。But why of two oaths breach do I accuse thee.

他说,这起信托欺诈案数目很庞大。The breach of trust , "he said, "was massive.

大浪在堤上冲出一个缺口。The huge waves made a breach in the sea wall.

但我为什么责备你两番背盟。But why of two oaths' breach do I accuse thee.

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官员表示决堤由麝香鼠洞引发。Officials say muskrat holes caused that breach.

买房者应该如何对付卖房者违约行为?。How to deal with real people who should buy breach?

那次争吵后,他与表兄闹翻了。He opened a breach with his cousin after the quarrel.

六个月以来我们一直等待他们能够冰释前嫌。We've waited six months for him to remedy the breach.

他首先登上城墙豁口。He was the first to mount the breach in the city wall.

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甲方对合同的前述变更,不属于违约。The foresaid modification is not a breach of contract.

进入博物馆仿佛触犯了俱乐部的清规。To enter was to breach the protocols of a club privée.

但你知道大白鲨也能鲸跃吗?But did you know great white sharks can breach as well?