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这些小小豆荚如何保护你的肌肤呢?And how do these puny pods protect your face?

所以如此小的压强,导致了数米高的水柱。So that puny little pressure ends up being meters high.

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今天的世界金融市场还是相对发育不良的。It is puny relative to the size of global markets today.

与巨型红杉800至1300年的生命跨度相比,人的寿命极其微不足道。Giant sequoias are unimpressed by your puny human lifespan.

这种变化甚至能被直径一米的小型望远镜观测到。The dimming could be detected by even a puny one-meter telescope.

微弱的人们能用武力从全能者的手中夺取祝福么?What can puny human strength take by force out of the hand of Omnipotence?

无论是在经济崩溃之前还是之后,希腊都是一个弱小的国家。Greece is a puny power and was so even before it descended into the vortex.

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微弱的人们能用武力从全能者的手中夺取祝福麽?What can puny human strength take by force out of the hand of Omnipotence ?

相比之下,它的潜在的敌人们在那些常规战斗中投入的资金则微不足道。Even potential adversaries in a conventional war spend puny sums in comparison.

在一个拥挤的,充满着相对弱小的黑洞的宇宙中,他们往往很早就衰亡了。They die young, populating a crowded universe with relatively puny black holes.

尤里派出这些微不足道的偻偻他们想要把我送进研磨装置来提供他们人资金。Yuri sent these puny weaklings to feed me to his Grinder andgive his men funds.

有些农田被牲口过度放牧亏损,暴雨淹没了田地,缺乏氮气造成玉米的秆子矮小。Heavy rains flooded the land. A lack of nitrogen in the soil made the corn stalks puny.

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对素芸的遭遇,她既有些微的同情,又有淡淡的愉快。To the situation of vegetable Yun, she current puny pity, and then have light delectation.

似乎是听到了炎弃的话,苏残雪的手指微微动了动。Seem is heard burning to leave of words, Su destroys the finger of snow puny moved to move.

想看看弱小的食草龙怎么战胜强大的食肉龙吗?好,马上播映。Do you want to see how the puny herbivorous dinosaurs defeat the strong carnivorous dinosaur.

景宫眉微微蹙眉,眼前闪过宇华婷清傲无双的脸。View temple eyebrow puny Cu eyebrow, even now flash cross Yu China Ting pure Ao matchless face.

它的较高理想、它的执着和精神,使所有其它学科比较起来较幼稚、微不足道。Its high ideals, its steadfastness and spirit make all other studies puerile and puny in comparison.

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被压碎过的曼妥斯下沉的更慢,所制造的小喷泉也只有30厘米高。Crushed Mentos that fell more slowly created puny fountains that only travelled about 30 centimetres.

因此,当K-T灭绝事件开始时这些微小的有孔虫充当十分鲜明的标签。As such, these puny foraminifera serve as very distinct tags of when the K-T extinction event started.

此外并发现,变化不同共振腔长度与槽数对风机之流场与噪音场的影响并不大。Besides, the influences on the performance and noise owing to the change of resonator's types were puny.