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相对而言,气象局的职位则没有那么受欢迎。Positions at weather bureaux are the least popular.

一些业主简单地认为这仅仅是公安局从我们身上赚钱。Some owners simply think this is for the public security bureaux to make money from us.

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公务员培训处更会视乎需要为各局及部门开设特别培训课程。Specific training courses for particular bureaux and departments are arranged as necessary.

各局合组成政府总部,每个局由一位负责决策的局长掌管。The bureaux , each headed by a policy secretary, collectively form the Government Secretariat.

常任秘书长会担当问责制局长与公务员之间的重要枢纽角色。The Permanent Secretaries will act as the interface between Directors of Bureaux and the Civil Service.

各新闻组均与政府新闻处总部紧密合作,处理各局及部门在资讯、公关和宣传方面的工作。ISD headquarters on information, public relations and publicity aspects of the work of departments or bureaux.

另外,该署也为各局和部门提供协助,举办各种推广中文活动。Assistance was also given to bureaux and departments for organising activities to promote wider use of Chinese.

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研讨会共有200多人参与,分别来自70多个政策局和部门。The seminar was well received and attended by over 200 participants from more than 70 policy bureaux and departments.

自2000年起,政府已为各政策局及部门经常使用的物品制订环保规格。Since 2000, the Government has been developing green specifications for items commonly used by bureaux and departments.

综述了日本大学中的三十个材料研究室的最近的研究动向。The recent research trend of thirty research bureaux on materials in universities of Japan is summarized in this paper.

中国的海外办公室开始扩张,其中最受广泛阅读的英文报纸‘中国日报’已经被更新。Its overseas bureaux are being expanded and its most widely-read English-language newspaper, China Daily, has been revamped.

除了派驻海外办事处的人员外,政府各局及部门共设有逾30个新闻组。Excluding those attached to the overseas offices, more than 30 information units operate in government departments and bureaux.

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各新闻组均与政府新闻处总部紧密合作,处理各局及部门在资讯、公关和宣传方面的工作。They work closely with ISD headquarters on information, public relations and publicity aspects of the work of departments or bureaux.

在某些情况下,你所提供的资料或会向政府其他决策局和部门,以及其他公司公开。The information provided by you may be disclosed to other Government bureaux and departments and other companies under certain circumstances.

还有另一种可能,那就是这笔收入会流入区级卫生局或市卫生局的金库。There is also another possibility that this income will find way to the coffer of district-level health bureaux or the municipal health bureau.

报告显示,去年全国各地的民政局共受理离婚案件129万起,诉讼离婚案件共62万2千起。Civil affairs bureaux across the country handled 1.29 million of the cases, with 622,000 couples untying the knot through the courts, the report said.

本建议为用户传真业务和用户与公众传真局之间双向传送传真文件,制订主管部门所适用的计费原则和国际结算原则。Administrations for the transmission of facsimile documents in both directions between subscribers to the telefax service and public facsimile bureaux.

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在本表格所填报的机构及个人资料,可能会供政府其他决策局、署及部门作上文所述的用途。The personal data you provide by means of this form may be disclosed to other Government bureaux , commissions and departments for the purposes mentioned in above.

教育局已获同意向其他政府决策局及部门或相关的非政府机构披露此计划书所载的资料作有关用途。Consent is given to the EDB to disclose the information provided in the TDP to other Government Bureaux and departments or relevant non-Government bodies for those purposes.

为了加强政府公务人员对性别问题的认识,委员会在二月举行了认识性别课题与妇女事务研讨会。To familiarise civil servants with gender and women's issues, the commission organised an introductory seminar for officers from various bureaux and departments in February.