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在某种意义上,这种税制结构是退化的So, in a sense, the tax structure was regressive.

这些丧尽天良的人需要在这里听一听真相。These regressive minds here need to here the truth.

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残次林是林分逆行演替的结果。Remnant forest is as a result of forest regressive succession.

通过主观试穿打分评价试样舒适性,验证了回归方程的可靠性。Finally, the regressive correlation of them is verified by try-on test.

通胀是税收最累进递减的形式,对穷人的打击最大。Inflation is the most regressive form of taxation and it hits the poor most.

去卵巢后,输卵管粘膜上皮萎缩。After ovariotomy, the epithelia of the oviduct were atrophied and regressive.

但递减效果可以用更普惠的食物救济券计划来弥补。But its regressive effect could be offset by a more generous food-stamp program.

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有人说倒退的惨败是因为美国人失去了对政府的信任。Some say the regressive lurch occurred because Americans lost confidence in government.

这种图示方法既强调了海退性质也强调了同时性。This method of portrayal emphasizes both the regressive nature and the time equivalence.

这些人的倒行逆施已经引起了中国民众的强烈愤慨。These regressive behaviors have already triggered strong indignation of the Chinese people.

在中、下寒武统中找到海退沉积序列。The regressive sedimentary sequences have been found in the Middle and Lower Cambrian strata.

现在进步和中间平衡力量应该联合起来打败反动势力。Right now, the progressive and status quo-ist forces should unite to defeat the regressive force.

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对实验数据进行回归分析,得出了回归系数。By using logarithmic and exponential regression analysis method we obtained the regressive coefficient.

这种倒退政策的后果已经到了在其他发达国家闻所未闻的不平等水平。The consequence of such regressive policies is a level of inequality unknown in other developed nations.

发盲人说资讯大战只是一块遮羞布,用以掩盖历史上最退步的税收制度。The spokesperson said the nformation campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.

参议员米切尔说,这种延迟是一种退步,是不公平的,他不可能支持这个。Senator Mitchell said that the suggested delay was regressive and unfair, and that he couldn’t support it.

这样大规模的整修工程打着美化城市形象的旗号,实则被指谪为民族主义退化的劣作。The overhaul is defended as a way to beautify the city, but it is decried as kitsch as regressive nationalism.

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回归的孤独症数量增多,患儿发育正常,有正常语言,然后失去这些正常发育。There has been an increase in regressive autism, children who develop normally, have speech, and then lose it.

将极大似然估计与AIC准则有机结合进行回归模型建模。This paper presents a regressive modeling by combining the maximum likelihood estimation with the AIC criterion.

由测试结果发现这两种弯沉仪的实测弯沉值差别不大,具有良好的相关关系。It was found that the deflection values measured respectively by FWD and BB were in good regressive relationship.