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尼古拉斯是海军学校的一名新学员。Nicholas is a new cadet.

你现在看见圣尼古拉了吗?。Can you see St Nicholas now?

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那么,尼葛洛庞帝,三年后再见了.See you in three years, Nicholas.

2003年,杰克.尼古森和尼古拉斯.凯奇Jack Nicholson and Nicholas Cage, 2003

我们知道圣?尼古拉斯也送礼物。We know that St. Nicholas also gave gifts.

圣尼古拉教堂码头,基辅,乌克兰。Church of St. Nicholas Quay, Kiev, Ukraine.

喂?我是尼克拉斯。请哈雷来接电话好吗?Nicholas here. May I talk to Halley, please?

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尼古拉斯·泰罗尔得了什么病?What malady is Nicholas Tyrol suffering from?

我喜欢圣尼古拉斯,你可以践履这位胖乎乎的圣诞老人。I like St. Nicholas. You can keep chubby Santa.

就看见圣尼古拉从烟囱上一跳而下。Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.

我看网上说谢霆锋要跟她离婚呢。I saw online that Nicholas Tse will divorce her.

荷兰人一直都传颂着圣尼古拉的传说。The Dutch kept the legend of St. Nicholas alive.

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喂?我是尼克拉斯。请哈雷来接电话好吗?Hello? Nicholas here. May I talk to Halley, please?

副官尼古拉斯·雷恩。你好吗,中尉?Lieutenant Nicholas Raine. How are you, Lieutenant?

旭龄及穆的团队由合伙人尼可拉斯·重带领。Shook Lin's team was led by partner Nicholas Chong.

随着雪橇的玩具,和圣尼古拉了。With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.

有很多关于圣·尼克拉斯的故事。All kinds of stories were told about Saint Nicholas.

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圣尼可拉斯的传奇故事立即传遍了全欧洲。Soon the legend of Saint Nicholas spread across Europe.

每天早上我都会在体育馆见到我的朋友尼古拉斯。Every morning I would see my friend Nicholas at the gym.

这个人,尼古拉斯·博伊尔,被一把猎刀开膛破肚了。This man, Nicholas Boyle, was gutted with a hunting knife.