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瞬膜颜色深,不外露。Haws are dark and not apparent.

她恬不知耻的说。She said without apparent shame.

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然而,这种情况现在还不明显。However that is not apparent yet.

你的喉结不明显。Your Adam's apple isn't apparent.

两种趋势都在鄂尔多斯显而易见。Both trends are apparent at Ordos.

矛盾表面化了。The contradiction has become apparent.

但他的提醒并没有显著的效果。But his warning had no apparent effect.

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他表面上的柔顺使人人受骗。His apparent meekness deceives everyone.

但是很明显它没有长程有序性。But no long-range patterns were apparent.

法定继承人继承了王位。The heir apparent succeeded to the throne.

他爱她,这是人人都清楚的。He loves her, which is apparent to everyone.

怎样解决这一明显的不一致呢?How do we resolve this apparent incongruity?

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我发现你的喉结不明显。I find that your Adam's apple isn't apparent.

尽管如此,非常显然她是痛苦的。Nonetheless, her suffering was very apparent.

她接到这消息时显然无动于衷。She received the news with apparent unconcern.

这样明显的悖论并不稀罕。Such apparent paradoxes are far from uncommon.

这种倾向对于癌症尤为明显。The trend is particularly apparent for cancer.

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他们假情假意的悲伤不久就变成了笑声。Their apparent sorrow soon turned to laughter.

我想这个奇迹明天就会见分晓。I suppose the miracle will be apparent tomorrow.

泰得福德说,通货膨胀势头已经显而易见。Already, Mr. Tedford says, inflation is apparent.