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这个悬念真让人激动!The suspense is so exciting!

读那本书时本人的心不断在悬着。That book kept me in suspense.

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我想吊吊你的胃口。I want to keep you in suspense.

爱您是否最和顺的赏格。Loving you is the softest suspense.

设置矛盾,引起悬念。Set the conflict, causing suspense.

但停滞的那段时间是可怕的。But the time of suspense is dreadful.

你怎么让一头蠢驴处于悬念中呢?How do you keep a jackass in suspense?

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电视连续剧总是能够吊你胃口。TV serials always keep you in suspense.

让我来消除你们的疑虑吧Let me now put you out of your suspense.

我先在这里留下悬念So we're just going to leave it in suspense.

我终日在忧心忡忡中度过。I spent day after day in the direst suspense.

那个悬念片的结局让我大失一惊。That suspense movie gave me a big bang at the end.

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我想看的是动作片和悬疑片,不想看粘粘糊糊的爱情故事。I wanted action and suspense — not a mushy love story.

我们焦急万分地等待医生的诊断结果。We waited in great suspense for the doctor's diagnosis.

归去没有悬念,需要的是惘然!There is no suspense about return. Frustration was needed.

巴萨尼奥忧心如焚地等候着这场审判的结果。Bassanio waited in dreadful suspense the event of the trial.

霁虹桥是我国最古老的铁索桥之一。Jihong Bridge is one of the earliest iron suspense bridges in China.

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胁从营销策略是增加炒作效果和悬念的好办法。Threatening marketing scheme is a great way to add hype and suspense.

相对而言,这部丛书悬念较少,更加注重塑造人物形象,展示风土民情。These books are less about suspense and more about character and place.

但是七点钟父亲没有回来,我不能耐受这种心悬的感觉。But my father did not return at seven, I could hardly stand the suspense.