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我们可以一起做个“大粪”吗?Can we make a Turd?

左图是一坨狐狸的大便。Pictured left is a fox turd.

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不过是兽群中的一堆大粪罢了。Nothing but a turd in the herd.

没错,是杰克,那只鸽子像粪土一样躺在那儿。That pigeon was just as dead as a turd.

供试肥料为优质猪圈肥。The organic fertilizer was high quality pig turd.

所以我想搞个新发型,表明我不要再做罪人了。So I want a new style that says, I'm not a giant turd of sin.

死亡也是一样的神秘,但是却没有糖衣将这臭物包裹。Death is equally mysterious, but there's no sugar-coating that turd.

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如果一个患者在病房里胡说一通,他就像是锅里的一粒屎。If a consumertalks bullshit on the ward, he goes over like a turd in a punch bowl.

左图是一坨狐狸的大便。它适时的提醒着人们即使再狡猾的狐狸也会大便。Pictured left is a fox turd. A timely reminder that even the foxiest foxes are full of sh*t.

也许在外面是个大人物,但在这里,在监狱中,只能算个狗屁。He might'a been important on the outside, but in here he was just a little turd in prison gays.

而他们总共的回报比一块烘干的粪赢来的不多不少。And their combined reward will be no greater and no lesser than what will be won by a piece of dried turd.

鉴于以上,我们了解到由于你的时间很宝贵,而你又不想把时间浪费在另一张电影单上。On top of that, we know that since your time is valuable, you don't want to waste it on another cinematic turd.

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罗夫表示,他一年前就考虑过退休,把更多的心思花在家人身上。Earning the sobriquet "turd blossom" Mr Rove, as the story goes, provided the strategic thinking behind the genial front of Mr Bush.

它全都聚在一起然后一个人这样移动,另一个人那样移动,到最后出现了一个无法让人忍受的讨厌鬼。It all gets thrown in together and then one person stirs this way, the other stirs that, and an unbearable stinking turd comes out the bottom.

问问作家,当他面对空白的稿纸,灵感不来,他经验到的焦虑是什麽?他会告诉你,谁是他横溢才华的主子?Ask the writer about the anxiety that he experiences when faced by the blank sheet of paper, and he will tell you who is the turd of his phantay.

今天我发现我一直用来配冰激凌的巧克力粉里还包括部分老鼠屎。Today, I found out that the chocolate sprinkles I have been using with my ice cream were not only chocolate sprinkles, but also little pieces of mice turd.

真你麻痹贱类,劳资不想骂人,一看见你就忍不住,真你吗烂了心了,你爸居然能生出你这种人渣。You really like paralysis cheap labor does not want you, one you could not see, you really?Rotten heart, your dad you actually can produce such a turd a knock.