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第一章对象征文学理论进行了概括性的介绍。In Chapter 1, the concerned symbolic literary theories are introduced here synoptically.

概括性地介绍了汉字谐声系统的历史层次。The historical hierarchy about the system of the Chinese partial tone has been synoptically introduced.

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概要介绍了饮食业油烟净化设备的种类,以及对饮食业油烟净化设备净化效率检测的方法。Sorts of cooking oil fume purifiers and a method for measuring their efficiencies were synoptically described.

最后概括性介绍了纽介堡方程组的应用和将来的研究发展方向。At last the applications and the developmental directions of the Neugebauer Equations are introduced synoptically.

综合来看,国内外对可转债的讨论,主要集中于可转换债券的定价、条款的设计等方面。Synoptically speaking, the internal and external research of the convertible bonds focused on the facts such as pricing and deciding of provisions.

通过在全球范围内概括性的持续三年按月对盐度进行测量,对于海洋在气候中所扮演的角色,水瓶座号将给一个史无前例的新视点。By measuring salinity globally and synoptically every month for 3 years, Aquarius will provide an unprecedented new view of the ocean's role in climate.

总结目前对于水足迹测评的常用方法,并简要介绍了虚拟水的核算原则。The article summarized the common methods of measuring water footprint currently, and analyzed synoptically the usual principle of calculating virtual water.

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第二部分即第二章,在明确统一收购权概念的基础上,概括分析我国法律确立统一收购权的必要性、障碍性和可行性。In this part, the paper synoptically analyzes the necessity, impedient factors and feasibility of establishment of the uniform authority in China's current law system.

在概括性地介绍智能卡的物理结构之后,重点介绍了AT89SC168芯片的使用,智能卡的文件数据结构和卡内操作系统结构。After synoptically introduced the physical structure of Smart Card , the using of the chip AT89SC168 and structure on file and data of Smart Card is especially introduced.

本文共五章,前面四章分别是曹植、阮籍、陶渊明、庾信对楚辞的接受与创新的探索,最后一章是对前面分析的总结并对魏晋六朝文人对楚辞的接受有概括性地分析。And conclude at last. There are five chapters, the four ahead is analyse Caozhi, Ruanji, Taoyuanming and Yuxin. The last chapter is sum up before and analyse the whole dynasty synoptically.

对道路夜空间和景观的规划设计中所涉及的理论和技术基础问题进行了概括性的梳理,对研究对象和相关概念做了明确的界定。This part studied the relative theoretic and technical issues in road night space and nightscapes's planning and design synoptically. Then, defined the object and correlative conceptions definitely.