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第二次中日韩领导人会议2009年在北京举行。The 2nd trilateral meeting was held in Beijing in 2009.

该欧盟官员说,截至目前,三方对话还是非正式的。For now, the trilateral dialogue is informal, the EU official said.

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2010年,中日韩合作继续稳步发展。In 2010, trilateral cooperation continued to enjoy steady development.

我尤其的对日本、韩国和中国三方的力量感到振奋。I am particularly heartened at the trilateral dynamics of Japan, Korea and China.

我们正在启动一个有关地区议题的新的美-印-日三方协商。We are launching a new U.S.-India-Japan trilateral consultation on regional issues.

第二,加强优势互补,提升三国合作水平。Second, to reinforce complementary advantages and upgrade the level of trilateral cooperation.

第三,密切人员交流,巩固三国友好的社会基础。Third, to increase personnel exchanges and solidify the social foundation of trilateral friendship.

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会议同意,第四次中日韩领导人会议明年在日本举行。The meeting agreed that the fourth trilateral summit of the three nations will be held in Japan next year.

三国外长决定明年在日本举行第五次中日韩外长会议。The three foreign ministers deiced to hold the fifth trilateral foreign ministers' meeting in Japan next year.

此法提供了一个直接而简便的解法,显示了用力法平差量边三角网的优点。It offers a direct and simple solution and shows the advantage of using this method for adjusting trilateral nets.

三国正式启动了一项有关三方自由贸易协定的联合研究,研究的完成日期定在2012年。And they formally launched a joint study for a trilateral free-trade agreement with a target completion date in 2012.

温家宝强调,加强双边关系是中日韩合作的基础和保障。Wen stressed that strengthening bilateral cooperation is the foundation and guarantee for the trilateral cooperation.

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杨洁篪表示,中方愿同韩方密切配合,推动中日韩三国合作取得新进展。Yang said that China is ready to work closely with the ROK to push for new development of the trilateral cooperation.

李明博祝贺第二次中日韩领导人会议取得圆满成功。In response, Lee Myung-bak expressed congratulation on the complete success of the second trilateral leaders' meeting.

韩方期盼着10月10日在北京举行的中日韩三国领导人会议取得丰硕成果。The ROK side looks forward to fruitful results from the trilateral leaders' meeting to be held in Beijing on October 10.

中国正与俄罗斯和巴基斯坦就阿富汗问题展开三边合作,首次会谈计划于数周后举行。China is teaming up with Russia and Pakistan on a trilateral on Afghanistan, and the first meeting is scheduled in a few weeks.

他还表示,他希望三方论坛能协助缓和阿富汗同其邻国巴基斯坦的关系经常出现的紧张局面。He also said he hoped the trilateral forum can help ease his country's frequently tense relationship with neighboring Pakistan.

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旋肩胛动、静脉在入三边孔前与肩胛下神经伴行。The circumflex scapular artery and vein were complicated by the subscapular nerve at the front meatus of the trilateral foramen.

近年来欧盟提出“中非欧”三方合作,我们对此持开放态度。In recent years, EU proposed the idea of trilateral cooperation between China, Africa and EU. We are open-minded to the proposal.

三位部长还强调了在经济、政治和安全问题上加强三方合作的重要性。The Ministers also underscored the importance of strengthening trilateral cooperation on economic, political, and security issues.