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杰希问道。Jesse asked.

早上好,耶西。Good morning, Jesse.

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耶西的儿子是谁?Who is this son of Jesse?

笨笨,耶西,再见。See you, Benben and Jesse.

但笨笨和耶西哪去了呢?But where´s Benben and Jesse?

杰西欧文的想法应该被称赞。Jesse Owens had the right idea.

耶西,看,这是我的新照相机。Look, Jesse. This is my new camera.

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“给县治安官阿特伍德打个电话”杰希说。" Call Sheriff Atwood, " Jesse said.

杰西·麦卡尼在纽约市长大。Jesse McCartney in New York City great.

杰希静静地沿着伐木路快步走去。Jesse moved quietly up the logging road.

然后他面临杰西约莱利。And then he confronted Jesse about Riley.

德雷珀是杰西的女儿添德雷珀?Is Jesse Draper the daughter of Tim Draper?

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“那只是为了对付蛇”杰希说到。" That's just for the snakes, " Jesse said.

俄备得生耶西,耶西生大卫。And Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David.

杰西欧文斯在十九八十死于癌症。Jesse Owens died of cancer in nineteen eighty.

他们育有玛丽和杰西爱得沃兹两个子女。They had two children, Jesse Edwards and Mary.

今天,我们告诉运动员杰西欧文斯的故事。Today we tell the story of athlete Jesse Owens.

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耶西的儿子大卫的祈祷完毕。The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.

当时,他面临德里克有关杰西。It was then that he confronted Derek about Jesse.

耶西是一个作家、工程师和世界旅行家。Jesse was an author, engineer and world traveler.