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哪个行李是您的?Welke baggage is van u?

范。巴斯滕是个什么样的人?What is Van Basten like?

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范泰尔是否决定论者?Is Van Til a Determinist?

我看了梵谷的画作。I saw Van Gogh's paintings.

坎肩在哪里?在我的车里。Where is the vest?In my van.

这是范·,因瓦根的观点。That's what van Inwagen says.

公共汽车与客货车相撞。The bus and the van collided.

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多,范甘迪的这步棋下得很好。Very smart move by Van Gundy.

这个男人从事是什么职位?Wat is de functie van deze man?

我们为买新的箱式货车节约用钱。We are budgeting for a new van.

“范·奥曼”是一个令人费解的姓氏。The name "Van Orman" is puzzling.

这台小货车载满了食品杂货。The van is loaded with groceries.

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范·霍珀太太纵声大笑。Mrs Van Hopper gave her fat laugh.

两个戴面具的人拦路抢劫了一辆邮车。Two masked men held up a mail van.

梵谷在1885年搬到安特卫普。Van Gogh moved to Antwerp in 1885.

吴建豪只能提供一个微笑。Van Ness could only offer a smile.

是否能开9人手排车?Can you drive 9-seaters manual van?

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考虑范德瓦尔斯气体。Let's look at a van der Waal's gas.

凡‧赫尔辛太太,请不要哭。Please don't cry, Mrs. Van Helsing.

巴培军说,五菱微型车的质量真是没话说。Wuling van quality is really great.