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把厨炊的烟火气从衣服上去掉是很难的。It was difficult to give credence to the report.

突来的暴风雨看来证实了气象员的警报。This sudden storm lends credence to the weatherman's warning.

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多少信任应给予富尔福德激进的要求?How much credence should be given to Fulford's radical claims?

严禁逼供信。It is strictly forbidden to obtain confessions and to give them credence.

或许它证明了伯多禄作为使徒的存在。Perhaps it serves to give credence to the existence of Peter the Apostle.

“我知道我们相信星相学会被人嘲笑,”凯瑟琳说。‘I knew we would be laughed at for putting credence in astrology, ’ says Catherine.

凶器既然已经发现,那么对自卫一说提供了有利物证。And if a weapon was found, then that lends real credence to self-defense as a motive.

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讽刺的是,帮助击退马克思主义的,同时赋予它的主张一种信任。Ironically, then, whathelped to beat back Marxism also lent a kind of credence to its claims.

弓形虫和老鼠间的关系让“行为操纵假说”有了依据。The relationship between Toxoplasma and rats lends credence to the “manipulation hypothesis.”

不过也许我们的确该问问自己,是否过度相信这种人云亦云的陈旧看法。But maybe we do need to ask ourselves if we are placing too much credence in this trite remark.

当今社会上诈骗事件层出不穷,信任这两个字如今值得几毛钱呢?Now, in the society, the swindle events emerge in an endless stream. "Credence" isn't valuable.

是!代我国皇帝问女王好。望早日答复国书。BE! The generation our country emperor asks queen favor. Hope to answer letter of credence soon.

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这些幸运年中的其中一年科塔兹会着陆,对他的神圣形象给予信任。It was on one of these auspicious years that Cortez landed, thus giving credence to his god image.

上周我们引用了哈佛癌症研究员职位有争议的言论,此报道印证了此观点。The account lends credence to a Harvard cancer researcher we quoted in a controversial post last week.

随着网站之间的相互摄取,在热门网站接种疫苗的谣言迅速获得信任。Rumours about vaccines quickly gain credence in the internet hothouse, with sites feeding off each other.

突然不再选择外国伴侣的趋势似乎进一步证实了西方长久以来持有的“中国女性是淘金者”的观念。The sudden jilting of foreigners lends some credence to the stereotype of Chinese women as gold- diggers.

一项新的研究似乎验证了这种观点,某些特定食物可以减轻小孩的症状。A new study appears to lend credence to the belief that restricting certain foods could ease kids' symptoms.

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也有人觉得,穿毛料衣服,无论多旧,都让人觉得我们仍认同使用羊毛。Others feel that wearing woollen garments, regardless of how old they may be, lends credence to their acceptability.

我们对每一个可能性都应该不予以小瞧,要承认这种不确定性。We should acknowledge this uncertainty by assigning some nontrivial degree of credence to each of these possibilities.

考古发现也增加了对新约的认识并为圣经的真实性提供了新的证据。Archaeological finds have also added to the knowledge of New Testament happenings and brought new credence to Scripture.