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它是极强的腐蚀剂。It is extremely corrosive.

腐蚀性对于铜会产生腐蚀性。Corrosivity Corrosive in presence of copper.

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这种破坏性文化的来源是很清楚的。The origin of the corrosive culture was clear.

HF有一种刺激性气味。它是极强的腐蚀剂。HF has a pungent odor. It is extremely corrosive.

我们需要限制他们具有腐蚀性和破坏性的影响。We need to limit their corrosive and destructive impact.

发烟硫酸含三氧化硫酸的一种腐蚀性溶液。A corrosive solution of sulfur trioxide in sulfuric acid.

饥饿对人类的精神会有侵蚀性的影响。Hunger can have a corrosive influence on the human spirit.

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河床部分地就是被这种侵蚀作用冲蚀的。The bed of a river is partly worn away by corrosive action.

该液对金属有中度至重度腐蚀。Its solution was moderately to severely corrosive to metals.

本品无毒、无腐蚀、不污染环境。The product is non-toxic, corrosive and environmental protection.

对碳钢、铝金属无腐蚀性,不属于腐蚀性物质。The article can not corrupt steel, aluminum, so it has no corrosive.

这三种细菌对钢都具有很强的腐蚀能力。All of the three species of bacteria have a strongly corrosive property.

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在工业上,金刚石可以用作工具表面坚固、耐腐蚀的覆盖层。In industry, diamond can form a tough, non- corrosive coating for tools.

腐败现象是一种腐蚀剂,严重侵蚀着党和国家的肌体。Corruption is a kind of "corrosive", damaging to the state and the Party.

请勿使用任何化学物品清洁,如洗涤剂,腐蚀剂。Do not clean using any chemicals, such as detergent or corrosive product.

由于腐蚀性的液体,减弱器的外壳也须仔细选择。With corrosive fluids, the dampener case must also be selected carefully.

利用丁醇不需改造汽车引擎,并且丁醇腐蚀性较小。It can be used without modifying automobile engines, and is less corrosive.

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介绍了金属腐蚀的类型及电化学腐蚀。The kinds of metal corrosive and electrochemistry corrosion are introduced.

其中二氧化氮气体是活性氧化剂和具有较高的腐蚀性。Both are toxic gases with NO2 being a highly reactive oxidant and corrosive.

冰醋酸是个脱水代理及刺激物和腐蚀。Glacial acetic acid is a dehydrating agent and an irritant and is corrosive.