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世界在动荡中前进。The world advances amidst turbulence.

我们将经过一阵乱流。We will be experiencing some turbulence.

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严重雷雨和严重颠簸。Heavy thunderstorm and severe turbulence.

请求上升高度层,因雷雨云和颠簸。Request higher level due to CB and turbulence.

梦醒的时候,天上还会飘雨吗?Time to wake up in the sky Turbulence will it?

中国龙将会被指责引起动荡。Dragon China is to be blamed for all turbulence.

当你进入乱流时会感觉不舒服。When you go into turbulence it's a weird feeling.

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现代飞行员接受的训练是不要去对抗乱流。Modern pilots are trained not to fight turbulence.

紊乱性或阵息性使速度产生波动。Turbulence or gusts produce velocity fluctuations.

紊流定义为一组无规则的突风。Turbulence is defined as a series of irregular gusts.

分道线的功能之一是减少水的振荡。A function of the course rope is to reduce turbulence.

史蒂夫被飞机减速时产生的雷鸣般气流震动惊醒。Steve awoke to a thunderous turbulence as the plane throttled.

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研究湍流结构函数的标度律。The scaling of structure functions in turbulence is discussed.

湍流使轴上点光谱移动量减小。The turbulence results in a decrease of on-axis spectral shift.

客机此前飞越了暴风雨和强烈气流。The jetliner had been flying through heavy storms and turbulence.

我们为动荡时代来临所作的准备差不多一年前就开始了。Our preparation for the Age of Turbulence began nearly a year ago.

飞机突遇湍流,让我猛地晃了一下。The airplane encountered some turbulence and gave me a sharp jolt.

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紊流模式与封闭性。代数模式。传输模式。Turbulence Modeling and Closure. Algebraic Models. Transport Models.

世界局势动荡不安。The world situation is characterized by turbulence and intranquility.

飞机有点颠簸,请先回到您的座位上吧,先生。We are experiencing some turbulence. Please return to your seat, sir.