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他是怎样在平静中等候无光的He bides in calmness the silent morrow

谢谢阅读。亲们,明天见。The thanks reads. Is near, see you morrow.

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加顿预定次日要回伦敦。Garton is due back in london on the morrow.

明天上午我们打算去野炊。We are going to have a picnic to morrow morning.

十之八九,明天是个大晴天。In all likelihood it will be a sunny day to morrow.

明天他就就要给卡特·派克签署命令。On the morrow he would draft orders for Cotter Pyke.

于是乌利亚那日和次日住在耶路撒冷。So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day, and the morrow.

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啊?好啦,全都回去吧,有啥是咱们明儿个再说。Ah? Well, all go back, so what is the Let's morrow a say.

假如我们能去的话,那就明天下午三点吧。Suppose we make it, say three o’clock to- morrow afternoon.

Morrow用一个600mm镜头的胶片相机记录下这一画面。Morrow used a film camera and a 600mm lens to capture this image.

莫罗警告说,如果你的停顿时间长达一分钟,那我已经能发现你的弱点了。If you’re going to take aminute,’ Mr. Morrow cautions, ’I’ve just identified your weakness.

每当她闭上双眼,脑子里就充斥着对明天的预感和幻想。Each time she closed her eyes, her head filled with forebodings and fantasies of the morrow.

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在顾问建筑师欧文·F·莫罗参与进来这个项目之后,这个风格派的外观才逐渐形成。The Art Deco look evolved after consulting architect Irving F. Morrow came on board the project.

莫罗一步步地告诉她的姑妈需要采取哪些步骤,并往家中派去了一辆救护车。Morrow walked her aunt step-by-step through what needed to be done and sent an ambulance to her father.

是吗,妈妈,真的太可气了,我明天就去看看,和他们理论理论,怎么可以这样的对待长辈呢?BE, mother, actually and also can annoy, I morrow discern, with their ory theory, how can treat elder so?

摩西对可拉说,明天,你和你一党的人,并亚伦,都要站在耶和华面前。And Moses said unto Korah, Be thou and all thy company before the LORD, thou, and they, and Aaron, to morrow

谁知,次日惨剧发生——明熙被杀,呈现在众人面前的是一具冰冷的尸体。Who knows, morrow tragic happens -- Ming Xi is killed, present the body that before everybody is an iciness.

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最后给出用该程序计算二滩、李家峡、晨点、谢村源等坝的成果。At last, the results of stress analyse for Ertan, Lijiaxia, Morrow Point, Xiecunyuan Arch Dams are presented.

我一边走着,一边采集了大量植物,许下心愿翌日要去买本书,把它们全部辨认出来。As I walked gathered a quantity of plants, promising myself to buy a book on the morrow and identify them all.

晚安!晚安!离别是这样甜蜜的凄清,我真要向你道晚安直到天明!Act ii. Sc. 2. Good-night, good-night! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good-night till it be morrow.