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他们提供超量的数据。They provided an overload of data.

马达附有过负荷保护装置。Motor comes with overload protector.

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这叫做信息超负荷。This is called information overload.

工作负担重也会带来压力。Printing overload also causes stress.

邀请过载和程序杂音。Invite overload and application noise.

短路及过载保护。Short circuit and overload protection.

这就是一个信息超载的现象。It's another case of information overload.

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为了处理信息超载,可以做些什么呢?What can be done about information overload?

博客订阅如何处理信息过载?How Does Bloglines Cure Information Overload?

交流伺服电机具有较强的过载能力。Ac servo motor has strong ability of overload.

Portelli将其描述成一种“感官超负荷。”Portelli describes it as a "sensory overload."

尤其是运算符重载,这种情况出现的时候。Especially in the presence of operator overload.

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惜时,不要太过劳累。Take your time and try not to overload yourself.

欠相过载控制用电力继电器“,”Power Relay for Overload and Phase Shift Control.

快速心房起搏可导致细胞内钙离子超载。RAP can induce calcium overload in atrial myocyte.

操作温度较广、无超载荷危险。Operate wide of temperature, overload no dangerous.

这些信息曾多得让系统产生信息过载的问题。This has led to the problem of information overload.

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糟糕的是,资讯超载会让人崩溃。At its worst, information overload can be paralyzing.

超载超速,危机四伏。Overload and overspeed, threatened by growing crises.

由于容量超负荷响应时间也可能延长。Response times also can crawl due to volume overload.