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弹片呼啸而过,把我的喉咙割破。Shrapnel zings by, slices my throat.

产生蒸汽云爆炸,伴有榴散弹!Vapour Cloud Explosion with shrapnel !

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腕已被榴霰弹击伤了……Her wrist had been wounded by shrapnel.

很好的弹道,很远的射程以及霰弹。Good animation, long range and shrapnel.

她的脸部和腿部被炸伤。She suffered shrapnel wounds in her face and legs.

以及通常由弹片构成的碎片伤害。and the fragmentation, commonly known as shrapnel.

榴弹片击穿她的左臂和双腿。Shrapnel riddled her left arm and both of her legs.

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用手指顶住弹片尾部轻按可复位。Using a finger to resist shrapnel tail light press reset.

他两条腿都挂彩了,人也被如雨的弹片炸成重伤。He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel.

我的身体上嵌满了弹片,而我的双手也被严重烧伤。My body was full of shrapnel and my hands had been badly burned.

Salah被炮弹的碎片击中前额,背部还有脚上。Salah was hit by shrapnel on his forehead, his back and his legs.

努哈的左大腿被炮弹的碎片击中,但她还是活了下来。Nuha was hit by a piece of shrapnel in her left thigh, but survived.

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在那边的战场上屁股中了弹的南区孩子。It'll be some kid from Southie over there takin' shrapnel in the ass.

她被子母弹击中,是在5天前抵达营地的。She had been hit by shrapnel and arrived in the camp five days earlier.

严重的爆炸造成严重伤亡,截肢,很多弹片。They were hanged up bad, severe lacerations, amputees, a lot of shrapnel.

随后他又被弹片击中,接着失去了知觉。Dhao said, adding that he was struck by shrapnel again and fell unconscious.

哈利勒的头部被弹片击中,包扎着被鲜血染红的绷带。Khalil's head is bandaged with a bloody patch where he took a piece of shrapnel.

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子母弹是由多种材料组成,结构近似为轴对称形式。Shrapnel is made of many materials and its structure seems to be axial symmetry.

他身边的一个人被楼上掉下的碎片击中,立时殒命。He was standing next to a guy who got hit by shrapnel and was immediately killed.

他的膝盖中了弹片,踝关节被切断,脚背被炸飞了。He had shrapnel up to the knee, his ankle was severed and his instep was blown off.