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连续进行的重排是允许的。Sequential rearrangements are allowed.

这更像是连续处理。This is more like sequential processing.

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您所看到的消息是按顺序排列的。The messages you see are in sequential order.

虚拟变址顺序存取法?。VISAM?Virtual Indexed Sequential Access Method?

三联疗法vs.序贯疗法Triple Therapy vs. Sequential Therapy for Ulcers

没有,成对不使用顺序消除。No, Pairwise does not use sequential elimination.

审批过程可以是顺序的或并行的。The approval process could be sequential or parallel.

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内核线程是单个顺序控制流。A kernel thread is a single sequential flow of control.

延迟的写操作分为顺序和随机两类。The two types of write behind are sequential and random.

要创建会话,请执行下面这些后续步骤In order to create a session, peform these sequential steps

时序部分基于可配置的D型触发器。The sequential part is based on a configurable D-type flop.

索引文件组织按照先后顺序储存记录。Indexed file organization stores records in sequential order.

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非常简单,随机访问比顺序访问的速度慢。Quite simply, random access is slower than sequential access.

顺序控制在工业控制中被广泛应用。The sequential control is widely applied in industry control.

本文对赫夫曼时序电路模型提出修正。In this paper the sequential Circuitmodel by Huffman is revised.

闪存无论是随机还是连续的IOPS都要比它们快1000倍。Flash storage is 1000x faster for both random and sequential IOPS.

燃料按照依次的点火顺序,以计量的方式被送入各个入油口。Fuel is metered into each intake port in a sequential firing order.

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本文提出异步时序电路的设计方法。A method of designing asynchronous sequential circuits is presented.

利用序贯耦合交错求解的方法求解流固耦合的“双能量方程”。Double energy equations were solved by means of sequential coupling.

这两个变量将包括连续日程表日期数组。These variables will contain the array of sequential calendar dates.