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这是一次横眉冷对,毫无感情的见面。IT WAS a hard-eyed, unemotional get-together.

我完全感受不到别人的痛苦。I can become totally devoid of feelings of others, unemotional.

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你冷静,没有情绪,经常打着炮呢就睡着了。You are cold and unemotional and often fall asleep while screwing.

认为中国人不易动感情,那是大错特错了。The stereotype of the unemotional Chinese is not entirely accurate.

每个人都说他们冷冰冰,不通人情,交际能力也很糟糕。Everyone says they are cold, unemotional people with poor social skills.

这些暗示可以有所不同,但越简单越好,不参杂情绪在里面。The rituals may vary, but it's best to keep them simple and unemotional.

天马博士给予托比的那段不露声色的父爱正是典型的中国式父子关系。Tenma`s unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chinese father-son relationship.

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们有时说,要做个智慧投资者,就必须不被情绪所左右。It is sometimes said that to be an intelligent investor, you must be unemotional.

当泪水滑过命运枷锁,我深信这是无感情的宣泄。When tears slip the destiny chains, I deeply comfirm the unemotional washing-away.

天马博士赐与托比的那段不露神采的父爱恰是典型的神州式父子瓜葛。Tenma's unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chellonese father-son relationshellop.

忘却激情,给人以冷静和公正的印象,往往更有助于你获得晋升机会。It's much more useful to forget about passion, and come across as unemotional and impartial.

那双眼睛里面看不出丝毫感情,也看不出任何思想,就像鲨鱼的眼睛一样,它们只是长在头的前方。The eyes were as unemotional and unrevealing as a shark's, but they were set forward in the sluglike head.

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有一个问题就是太注重细节可能会变得无可救药,或者冷静可能会变得反应冷漠。There’s a point at which attention to detail can become obsession or calm can become unemotional response.

他的个性沉默木讷,也很少接受电视访问因为英语是他的第二语言。He's quiet, unemotional and rarely does televised interviews because he speaks English as a second language.

这是一次严肃而非情绪化的会面,他们从未亲眼相见,却曾激烈争斗过。IT WAS a hard-eyed, unemotional get-together. They had never met face-to-face, but once sparred dangerously.

问答环节里,他解释说,跟人类不一样,机器不带个人感情,也不具有侵略性。Machines are unemotional and unaggressive, unlike human beings, he told the crowd during the question-and-answer phase.

我伸手去开灯。灯静静地照亮了整个病房,我走回病床,用无动于衷的医生的目光观察着病人。I reach for the light switch, as it silently light the scene, i return to the bed to observe the patient with an unemotional medical eye.

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场面将更加具有威慑力,因为Binoche的冷漠甚至是无情,早已为人所知,尤其是在法国。The scene was all the more powerful because Binoche has long had a reputation, particularly in France, for being aloof and rather unemotional.

这位哥伦比亚广播公司的明星主持成熟,可靠,默默地承担起责任——就像那种你只要尝一小口就会买下他的一听咖啡的人。The CBS anchor was a pillar of maturity, reliability and unemotional accountability -- just the sort of fellow who could sell you a tin of coffee by simply taking a sip.

纳塔莉·方丹博士认为,儿童在4岁那么小的年龄就显露出缺乏内疚感和同情心等“冷酷无情的特征”也可能意味着将来会有不良行为。Dr. Nathalie Fontaine argued that children as young as four exhibited "callous unemotional traits" such as lack of guilt and empathy that could also suggest future bad behavior.