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你可以依靠/信得过我。You can rely on me.

我只依赖这记忆存在。I iust rely on memory.

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我们必须依靠自己。We must rely on ourselves.

不要指望系统的拼写检查。Don't rely on spell-checkers.

事无大小,依赖他人。Rely on others for everything.

你尽可依赖我帮助你。You can rely on me to help you.

您必须依靠文本搜索。You must rely on text searches.

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另外,不要仅依赖于某一种工具。Also, do not rely on only one tool.

甚至于控制结构都依赖它。Even control structures rely on it.

如果你依赖教会会友的身份。If you rely on a church membership.

你不能仅仅依赖于写好简历。You can't just rely on your resume.

我全靠你来树立个好榜样。I rely on you to set a good example.

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水母利用漂流觅食。Jellyfishes rely on drifting to eat.

你不能指望着他们帮助你。You can't rely upon them to help you.

如果你依赖某一位讲员或传道人。If you rely on a preacher or minister.

借使你依赖某一位讲员或传道人。If you rely on a prepainr or minister.

秀山人妆扮城市的依托。Mountain people dress up city rely on.

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我们要依赖和信任我们自己。We must rely upon and trust ourselves.

我们依靠人民的力量。We rely on the strength of the people.

我们不靠老天保佑。We don't rely on blessings from Heaven.