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所以这是种双向互动So, two-way interaction.

这是一种相互影响。It's an interaction effect.

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你也可以跟它互动。You can also Genta interaction.

多通道交互的数据类型Data types for multimodal interaction

你希望从交往中得到什么?What do you want from the interaction?

这称为上位相互作用。This is called an epistatic interaction.

我们的互作用形成奇怪的新牧群。Our interaction forms the strange new herd.

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相互作用的能量是不利的。The energy of interaction is not favorable.

这种类型的相互作用并不常见。This type of interaction is not very usual.

服务交互必须是明确定义的。The service interaction must be well-defined.

不断设计网站,构造交互性。Design sites and build interaction constantly.

这通常是一种非共价化合反应Now, usually this is a non-covalent interaction.

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因此他们不支持人员交互活动。Therefore they do not support human interaction.

而且联系主要是进行教导和帮助。Yet interaction was for teaching and assistance.

我只是在练习人际交流和社交举止。Practice human interaction and social comportment.

他们使得互动更个性化。But they are sort of personalizing the interaction.

两台机床联动可加工特长工件。Machinable two machine interaction points workpiece.

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让我们考虑一下这里的相互作用能。So let's think about the energy of interaction here.

阴阳相生,阴阳和谐。Yang, interaction of yin and Yang, Yin Yang harmony.

终端用户不与这个层进行交互。There will be no end-user interaction with this tier.