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我的饵不浮水!My bait won't float!

鱼吞饵了。The fish took the bait.

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他们掘蚯蚓做钓饵。They dug worms for bait.

遇饵便咬的鱼很快被捉。To take or swallow bait.

一条鱼在轻轻地啃鱼饵。A fish nibbles at the bait.

把蚯蚓装在鱼钩上作为钓饵。Bait your hook with a worm.

下饵吧,看他上不上钩。Bait the hook. See if he bites.

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有个鱼饵下沉到四十英寻的深处。One bait was down forty fathoms.

钓鱼最好的钓饵是小虾。The best bait is shrimp fishing.

一条鱼不断地在轻轻咬我的鱼饵。A fish kept nib bling at my bait.

但C-Note并没有上他的圈套。But C-Note doesn’t take the bait.

现在他要把嘴里的钩吐出来。But he would disgorge the bait now.

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有时,我承认,这是好钓饵。It is good bait sometimes, I allow.

我能感觉到有鱼在轻咬鱼饵。I could feel fish nibbling at the bait.

于是,林把没有诱铒的钩垂下水去。Then Lim lowered the hook without bait.

鱼饵香气四溢,味道鲜美。Overflowing bait aroma, taste delicious.

老鼠悄悄走到毒饵跟前。The mouse crept up on the poisonous bait.

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我们爱取笑他戴的俗气而华丽的领带。We like to bait him about his gaudy ties.

小张在鱼钩上插上香饵,想要钓条大鱼。Xiao Zhang uses bait to attract big fish.

小明每天给他的金鱼喂饵料。Xiaoming feeds his goldfish with fish bait.