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正式签名时她是多洛雷斯。When she was officially signed Dolores.

我喜欢去米申区,去德洛里斯公园逛逛,I like to go to the Mission and hang out and like Dolores Park,

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多洛雷斯有“不全是人类”生物恐惧症。Dolores has what amounts to a phobia of beings that are not quite, or wholly, human.

突然风云变色。一个女巫出现了,亨利仔细一看,竟是多洛莉丝。Suddenly blustery, a witch appears, Henry carefully stare at her. Unexpectedlyshe is Dolores.

德洛丽丝抄录大多霍华德的手书面笔记,并且帮助编辑,并且证明读他们。Dolores transcribes most of Howard's hand written notes, and helps to edit and proof read them.

除去他在表演上的名声,霍普与德洛利的婚姻是他长久人生中永恒不变的主题。Despite his reputation as a lady's man, Hope's marriage to Dolores was the one constant in his very long life.

位于香港的活力健康中心主管,加拿大营养学家德洛丽丝?钟也给出了一些详细的建议。Canadian nutritionist Dolores Chung, director of the Hong Kong based Dynamic Health Centre, has some more detailed advice.

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唐和母亲还有妹妹一起将吉姆的骨灰撒在了圣米格尔河与多洛雷斯河交汇处。Along with his mother and his younger sister, Don scattered Jim's ashes at the juncture of the San Miguel and the Dolores Rivers.

唐和母亲还有妹妹一起将吉姆的骨灰撒在了圣米格尔河与多洛雷斯河交汇处。Along with his mother and his younger sister, Don scattered Jim’s ashes at the juncture of the San Miguel and the Dolores Rivers.

多洛雷斯河从南面流过来,流经帕拉多克斯河谷的大盐丘,因此河水是咸的没有鱼类。The Dolores flows from the south, where it crosses the great salt dome of Paradox Valley, and the water is saline and has no fish.

前者充盈着令人恐怖的美丽--在充满着悲伤色彩的场景中,Dolores在他怀中依偎着直至化为灰烬。The first of these is a wellspring of terrible beauty—a scene of saturated, almost painful colors, as Dolores clings to him and crumbles to ash in his arms.

数千名劳工联盟成员、反战激进分子、神职人员和其他人员聚集在城市大厅附近的大街小巷,准备前往多洛里斯公园。The streets were filled with thousands as labor union members, anti-war activists, clergy and others rallied near City Hall before marching to Dolores Park.

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作为魔法部部长,我很荣幸地宣布德洛丽丝。简。安布瑞杰为霍格华兹魔法学校的高级督导,来整治学校日益堕落的校风。The Ministry of Magic is pleased to announce the appointment of Dolores Jane Umbridge as High Inquisitor to address the falling standards at Hogwarts School.

西班牙斗牛士Joselillo认为杀死后从多洛雷斯阿吉雷巴拉牧场牛一花和二牛的耳朵,在圣佛明节于2010年7月10日的节日。Spanish matador Joselillo holds up a flower and two bull's ears after killing a bull from the Dolores Aguirre Ybarra ranch, at the San Fermin festival on July 10, 2010.

马里克选择了前者,找上了在那之后一直萦绕他心头的那个受害者--在火焰中的亮光,与“禁闭岛”中Dolores有着奇妙的相似。Malik takes the first option, only for his victim to haunt him thereafter—and, at one point, to glow with fire, in uncanny parallel with the Dolores of “Shutter Island.”

瓜地马拉大学生聚集在国会外,等待常年抗议活动拨款的申请结果。University students wait outside Congress for a response to their demand for funds supporting their annual "Huelga de Dolores" protest in Guatemala City February 19, 2008.

“欧洲百万大乐透”彩票由欧洲九个国家联合发行,此前的头奖纪录诞生于2005年7月,由来自爱尔兰西南部利默里克附近加里欧文地区的一个名叫多罗瑞斯•马克纳马拉的人中得,当时他获得的奖金为115436126欧元。The previous record in the lottery, run by nine European countries, had been held since July 2005 by Dolores McNamara of Gallyowen near Limerick in southwest Ireland who took home 115,436,126 euros.

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“欧洲百万大乐透”彩票由欧洲九个国家联合发行,此前的头奖纪录诞生于2005年7月,由来自爱尔兰西南部利默里克附近加里欧文地区的一个名叫多罗瑞斯•马克纳马拉的人中得,当时他获得的奖金为115436126欧元。The previous record in the lottery, run by nine European countries, had been held since July 2005 by Dolores McNamara of Gallyowen near Limerick in southwest Ireland who took home 115, 436, 126 euros.